


  Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and Peter.Harry was very hard working while Peter was 1 ,Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun.

  One summer there was no 2 and the crops***莊稼***were dying.Harry thought,"I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die."With this 3 in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal***溝渠***to his field.He walked on and on,feeling tired and thirsty.After a 4 search,he found a river full of blue water.He was very happy.He started digging a canal to his field. 5 it was noon his wife sent their daughter to bring Harry home 6 lunch.But Harry did not go.He did not want to leave his work unfinished.He completed his work 7 at night.He Was very satisfied.

  He went home and had a good meal and 8 into a sound sleep.

  Peter did the same.But he was not at all determined***有決心的***.He also 9 digging a canal to his field but he didn't have his work completed.His field did not get 10 water and all his crops died.

  Harry's field would be watered when needed.He had a good harvest because of his hard work.


  *** ***1.A.cruel B.1azy C.careless D.silly

  *** ***2.A.rain B.wind C.cloud D.river

  *** ***3.A.feeling B.dream C.problem D.thought

  *** ***4.A.quick B. long C. slow D. special

  *** ***5.A.Whether B. Although C. When D. Unless

  *** ***6.A.for B. to C. with D. at

  *** ***7.A.early B. far C.1ate D. deep

  *** ***8.A.fell B.1ooked C. turned D. walked

  *** ***9.A.stopped B.1oved C. forgot D. started

  *** ***10.A.clean B. enough C.1ittle D. fresh



  6—10 ACADB