

  大學英語六級寫作:Pursuit of A Master’s Degree

  a. 根據下圖描述某校畢業生畢業意向的變化 b. 分析選擇讀研的畢業生數目增加的原因

  c. 說明選擇讀研對個人和社會產生的影響

  It is illustrated in the pie charts that graduates’ choices after graduation have experienced much change. The number of students choosing to pursue a master’s degree and study abroad grows several times over the decade.

  The reasons of the increasing number of students pursuing a master’s degree are as follows. First, with the number of college graduates growing each year, the situation in the job market is getting tighter and tighter. The public awareness of the situation has created a surge of interest in seeking a master’s degree. Secondly, many cross-national companies set a much higher standard for new recruits than ever. It seems that the higher education you have, the higher salary you may receive.

  Choosing to study for master’s degree will benefit the individuals and the whole society as well. The quality of Chinese intellectuals will be considerably enhanced, which in turn will boost the progress of the whole society.

  大學英語六級寫作:Changes in the Ownership of Houses




  Changes in the Ownership of Houses

  As is shown in the chart, great changes have taken place in the ownership of houses in the city. There has been a steady decline in the percentage of state-owned houses from 75 in 1990 to 20 in 2000. On the contrary, the percentage of private houses has been on the rise.

  Several factors may account for the trend. For one thing, owing to the policy of reform and opening to the outside world, the past decade witnessed significant improvement in people’s standard of living. In

  other words, they have had the means to purchase houses of their own. For another, people’s ideas about consumption have undergone some radical changes. In the past, they were reluctant to spend, but now they are willing to buy. Anyway, it is much more comfortable to dwell in a house of one’s own.

  These changes in the ownership have already had a positive effect on both individuals and society. Individuals, young people in particular, will be motivated to work harder to purchase a nest of their own. As a result, the housing industry will be boosted and more revenues will be raised to cover other sectors of our national economy.

  大學英語六級寫作:My View on Fake Commodities

  1. 假冒偽劣商品的危害。

  2. 怎樣杜絕假冒偽劣商品。

  My View on Fake Commodities

  Nowadays fake commodities have flooded almost every inch of the market. Wherever you are, whatever you do, it seems that you can hardly have fallen prey to them. In other words, it is highly probable that you have bought some of those fake goods or products of inferior quality.

  Needless to say, fake commodities have already done great harm to our society. On the one hand, they will ruin the good reputation of genuine products and disturb the balance of the market. On the other hand, the prevalence of such products has hindered interpersonal relationship and resulted in the decline of public morality. As a consequence, they have wasted exhaustible resources, endangered people’s precious life and health, and in the long run eroded public trust.

  Then, what should be done to do away with fake commodities? To start with, the government needs to tighten its inspection program and

  strengthen its enforcement policies. Secondly, honest businessmen should modify some long-accepted practices at the protection of their

  intellectual property right. Most important of all, we consumers will have to do a better job of learning how to distinguish between the genuine and the phoney and definitely say no to the fake ones. In one word, the coordinated effort of the whole society will put an end to fake commodities.

