


  轉義詞後為重:最重要最常考的轉義詞便是but, 在聽力對話中,囉嗦了很長一段,但都不是重點,but後面的為答案,簡稱“轉義詞後為重”



  M: It seems that we’ll have another fine day tomorrow. Let’s go to the seaside.

  W: Ok, but we’ll have to leave very early, or elsewe’ll get caught in the traffic.

  Q: What does the woman suggest?

  [A] They go to the seaside.

  [B]They set off early.

  [C] They go sightseeing.

  [D] They wait for a fine day.


  W: Did you see last night film on channel 4?

  M: Well, I meant to see it, but a friend of mine came to see me. We had a nice long talk about our school days.

  Q: What did the man do last night?

  A.He watched television with his friend.

  B.He stayed at home talking with his friends.

  C.He went to see a film with his friend.

  D. He went to see his schoolmate.


  W: Did you get the message about the meeting on Monday?

  M: Yes, I did. But I’m still not quite sure what the meeting is about. Not bad news, I hope.

  Q: What does the man wish to know most?

  A***. When the meeting is to be held.

  B***. Who are going to attend the meeting?

  C***. Where the meeting is to be held.

  D***. What’s to be discussed at the meeting.


  M: Juana, I am awfully sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you. Shall we have a beer and forget the whole thing?

  W: OK, we can drop it this time. But don't do it again.

  Q: What do we learn from the conversation?

  A*** The woman rejected the man's apology.

  B*** The woman appreciated the man's offer.

  C*** The man had forgotten the whole thing.

  D*** The man had hurt the woman's feelings.


  W: Airports are sad places.

  M: Sometimes, I guess. But we'll keep in touch. And I will fly over to see you with Christmas.

  Q: What are the speakers doing?

  A*** The woman is meeting the man at the airport.

  B*** They are complaining about the poor airport service.

  C*** They are discussing their plan for Christmas.

  D*** The man is seeing the woman off.