


  1*** let go ***of*** 放,鬆手

  2*** lose heart 失去勇氣,喪失信心

  3*** lose one's head 慌亂,倉皇失措

  4*** lose one's temper 發脾氣,發努

  5*** lose sight of 忘記,忽略;看不見

  6*** make a /the difference 有影響,起作用

  7*** make friends 交朋友

  8*** make fun of 取笑,嘲弄

  9*** make one's way 去,前往

  10*** make sense 講得通,言之有理

  11*** make sure 查明;務必

  12*** make the best of 充分利用

  13*** make the most of 充分利用

  14*** make up one's mind 下決心,打定主意

  15*** make use of 使用,利用

  16*** make way 讓路,讓出地方

  17*** may as well 還不如,不妨

  18*** never mind 不要緊;不用擔心

  19*** pay attention to 注意

  20*** piece together 拼合

  21*** play a part***in*** 起作用,參於

  22*** put into effect 實施;使生效

  23*** put into operation 實施;使生效

  24*** put into practice 實施;實行

  25*** put to use 使用

  26*** see to it that 注意,務必,保證

  27*** see that 注意,務必,保證

  28*** set fire to 使燃燒,點燃

  29*** take……for 把……認為是

  30*** take a chance 冒險,投機

  31*** take***a***delight in 以……為樂

  32*** take advantage of 利用,趁……之機

  33*** take care 當心,注意

  34*** take care of 照顧,照料

  35*** take charge 管理,接管

  36*** take effect 生效,起作用

  37*** take into account 考慮

  38*** take for granted 認為……理所當然

  39*** take one's time 不著急,不著慌

  40*** take pains 努力,盡力,下苦功

  41*** take part ***in*** 參加,參於

  42*** take place 發生,進行,舉行

  43*** take the place of 代替,取代

  44*** take turns 依次,輪流

  45*** throw light on 闡明,使瞭解

  46*** think better of 經考慮改變對……的看法

  47*** try one's best 盡力,努力

  48*** absent from 不在,缺席

  49*** abundant in 富於

  50*** alien to 與……相反


  1*** angry with sb at/about sth 生氣,憤怒

  2*** anxious about/for 憂慮,擔心

  3*** appropriate for/to 適當,合適

  4*** applicable to 適用於

  5*** apt at 聰明,善於

  6*** apt to 易於

  7*** ashamed of 羞愧,害臊

  8*** approximate to 近擬,接近

  9*** aware of 意識到

  10*** available to sb for sth 可用,可供

  11*** bare of 幾乎沒有,缺乏

  12*** bound for 開往……

  13*** capable of 能夠

  14*** careful of/about/with; 小心,注意

  15*** certain of /about 確信,肯定

  16*** about/in doing characteristic of 特有,獨特

  17*** clear of 沒有,不接觸

  18*** clever at 善於

  19*** close to 接近,親近

  20*** comparable to/with 可比較

  21*** conscious of 察覺到,意識到

  22*** consequent on 隨之而來

  23*** considerate towards 體諒,體貼

  24*** contemporary with 與……同時代

  25*** content with 滿足於

  26*** contrary to 違反

  27*** counter to 與……相反

  28*** crazy about 熱衷,著迷

  29*** critical of 挑剔,批評curious about 好奇,想知道

  30*** distinct from 種類***風格***不同

  31*** doubtful of /about 懷疑

  32*** east of 在……東面

  33*** equal to 相等,勝任

  34*** equivalent to 等於,相當於

  35*** essential to/for 必不可少

  36*** expert at/in/on 善於

  37*** faithful to 忠實於

  38*** familiar to sb 為……所熟悉

  39*** familiar with sth 熟悉,通曉

  40*** fatal to 致命的

  41*** favorable to 支援,贊成

  42*** favorable for 有幫助的

  43*** fearful of 懼怕

  44*** fit for 適於

  45*** foreign to 非……所原有

  46*** fond of 喜歡

  47*** free of /from 未受……;免費

  48*** free with 康慨,大方

  49*** guilty of 有……罪的

  50*** hungry for 渴望


  1*** be about to do 剛要,即將

  2*** be friends with 與……友好

  3*** bear in mind 記住

  4*** bring into effect 實行;使生效

  5*** bring into operation 實施;使生效

  6*** can not help 禁不住,忍不住

  7*** carry into effect 施行;使生效

  8*** cast light on/upon 闡明,使瞭解

  9*** catch fire 著火,燒著

  10*** catch one's breath 喘氣,鬆口氣;屏息

  11*** catch one's eye 引人注目

  12*** catch sight of 看到,發現

  13*** come into effect 生效;實施

  14*** come into operation 施行,實行,生效

  15*** come to one's senses 醒悟;甦醒

  16*** come true 實現

  17*** could not help 禁不住,忍不住

  18*** cut short 中斷,打斷

  19*** do one's best 盡力,努力

  20*** enjoy oneself 過得快活

  21*** fall in love with 愛 上

  22*** find fault***with*** 找岔

  23*** gain an advantage over 勝過,優於

  24*** get hold of 得到,獲得

  25*** get rid of 丟棄,擺脫,

  26*** get the best of 戰勝

  27*** get the better of 戰勝,佔上風

  28*** get together 會面,裝配

  29*** give rise to 引起,導致

  30*** give way 讓路,讓步

  31*** go ahead 開始,進行

  32*** go into effect 施行,實行,生效

  33*** go into operation 生效,實施

  34*** go wrong 出錯,出故障

  35*** had better 應該

  36*** had rather 寧願

  37*** had rather……than 寧願……而不願……

  38*** have an advantage over 勝過,優於

  39*** have in mind 想到;記得;打算

  40*** have nothing to do with 和……毫無關係

  41*** have***something/much/little***to do with 和……***有些/有很大/沒有什麼***關係

  42*** keep an eye on 留意,照看

  43*** keep in mind 記住

  44*** keep one's head 保持鎮靜

  45*** keep one's word 守信用

  46*** keep pace***with*** ***與……***齊步前進

  47*** lead the way 引路,帶路

  48*** learn by heart 記住,背誦

  49*** leave alone 不打擾,不干預

  50*** let alone 更別提,不打擾

