
  “話題”,就是指談話的中心;以所給的話題為中心,並圍繞這個中心內容而進行選材寫出的文章就是“話題”作文。今天小編要與大家分享的是:初二英語話題寫作的專項訓練試題及參考答案 ;具體內容如下,希望能幫助到大家!



habits every day 2-3 times a week never
have breakfast 80% 15% 5%
eat fruit 60% 15% 25%
eat junk food 50% 40% 10%
exercise 40% 55% 5%

  初二英語話題寫作專項訓練 2


  Problems: easy to be tired, feel stressed out before exams, have few friends, parents can't understand us

  初二英語話題寫作專項訓練 3

  期中考試就要到了,你都要做哪些準備呢? 你要怎樣複習呢?請你根據同學們介紹的學習方法,制定出適合你自己的學習計劃。


  go over the textbooks carefully

  read the notebooks to know the importance for each subject

  put the exam paper in different groups

  correct the mistakes in the exam paper

  初二英語話題寫作專項訓練 4

  假如你是Peter, 你的一家要在假期外出旅行,但一家人在出行方式上意見無法統一,請你敘述你父母的不同意見,並表明你的意見,說明理由。

family members transportation advantage
Peter’s mother plane fast, save time
Peter’s father train see beautiful view outside
Peter plane & ship








  提示詞:outgoing, friendly, easygoing, warm-hearted, hobby…



  The school clinic has just opened, and as a volunteer, I find that a lot of students have different problems.

  Some students are easy to be tired and they always feel stressed out before exams. Some students have few friends and they have no one to talk to when they feel unhappy. Besides, many students complain that their parents can't understand them.

  In my opinion, we study hard every day and suffer from too much pressure, so we need proper ways to relax, such as watching TV, listening to music and doing sports. When we meet difficulties, we can turn to our classmates, teachers and parents for help.


  The mid-term examination is coming. The students in my class are busy preparing for it. They have different ways to go over the lessons. Some students review the textbooks carefully. Some students read the notebooks to know the importance for each subject. Besides, a few students put the exam paper in different groups to know more about the important points.

  In my opinion, we should try our best to correct the mistakes we have made before in the past exams. In this way, we will not make the same mistakes again. What's more, we should communicate with others so that we can make progress. I am sure we will do well in the mid-term examination!