

  Section A***共10小題***


  1. A. Go to the office. B. Keep calling. C. Try online booking. D. See a doctor.

  2. A. A reporter. B. An athle te. C. A fisherman. D. An organizer.

  3. A. At a post office. B. At a fast food resta urant.

  C. At a booking office. D. At a check-in desk.

  4. A. He already has plans.

  B. The woman should decide where to eat.

  C. He will make a reservation.

  D. The woman can ask her brother for advice.

  5. A. He got wet in the rain.

  B. The shower wa s out of order.

  C. He didn’t hear the phone ringing.

  D. He got out of the shower to answer the phone.

  6. A. Reasonable. B. Bright. b C. Serious. D. Rid iculous.

  7. A. Send leaflets. B. Go sightseeing. C. Do some gardening. D. Visit a lawyer.

  8. A. Her doorbell doesn’t need repair.

  B. She didn’t expect him to come so early.

  C. The man has just arrived on time.

  D. It is not the right time for her.

  9. A. She won’t go to the beach if it rains.

  B. She would like the man to go to the beach.

  C. It will clear up tomorrow.

  D. It was pouring when she was at the beach.

  10. A. What to take up as a hobby.

  B. How to keep fit.

  C. How to handle pressure.

  D. What to play with.

  Section B***共6小題***

  聽下面2段對話或獨白。每段對話或獨白後有幾個小題,從題中所給的A、B、C、D四個選項中選出最佳選項,並標在試卷的相應位置。聽每段對話或獨白前,你將有時間閱 讀各個小題,每小題5秒鐘;聽完後,各小題將給出5秒鐘的作答時間。每段對話或獨白讀兩遍。


  11. A. White masters. B. African slaves. C. Native dancers. D. Sport trainers.

  12. A. Having kung fu experience. B. Being able to sing and play music.

  C. Wearing a green belt. D. Being strong and able to balance well.

  13. A. He uses his hands to keep the balance. B. He loses contact with his opponent.

  C. He is kicked by his opponent. D. He is pushed out of the circle.


  14. A. Greet guests and talk to hotel staff.

  B. Have breakfast and examine room service.

  C. Prepare for the meeting and write new reports.

  D. Review the previous night’s reports and check emails.

  15. A. Saying hello to every guest.

  B. Considering different bath requirements.

  C. Dining with different staff members.

  D. Holding various operational meetings.

  16. A. A day’s life of a hotel manager.

  B. The daily routine at a hotel.

  C. Hotel service and improvement.

  D. Meetings attended by a hotel manager.

  Section C***共兩大題*** 聽長對話,填空。


  Doctor ’s Notes Dr. B. Hall

  Patient’s name: Mr. 17. ____

  Symptoms: Awful 18. ____ and a terrible cough

  Temperature: 19. ____

  Doctor’s suggest ion: One spoonful of cough 20. ____ every 4 hours for the next five days


  What does the man ask the woman to do? To 21.____ . What does John Wyndham write? 22. ____. Why do the main characters in the story join a group of people? Because they hope to start 23.____. Between whom wi ll there be some conflict in the story? Between people and 24.____.


  1. M: I am so sick of calling the ticket office. The line is always busy.

  W: Why don’t you order through the Internet?

  Q: What does the woman suggest the man do?

  2. W: What was the best moment of the race for you?

  M: Oh, when I got to the finishing line, definitely.

  Q: What kind of person might the man be?3. W: I’d like to mail this package special delivery. Can they arrive within two days?

  M: Sure. No problem.

  Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?

  4. W: My brother is thinking of eating out with us Saturday night. Any suggestions?

  M: It is up to you. I don’t know the restaurants around here that well.

  Q: What does the man mean?5. W: The floor is awfully wet. What happened?

  M: The moment I got into the shower, the phone rang.

  Q: What does the man imply?

  6. M: I’m going to a party at Carol’s house.

  W: You can’t be serious. We’ve got two tests at school tomorrow.

  Q: How does the woman feel about the man’s idea?7. W: Where shall we go today then?

  M: Shall we try the Royal Garden recommended in this leaflet?

  Q: What will the two speakers do next?

  8. M: I have come to repair your doorbell.

  W: You should have come earlier. I’m just going out.

  Q: What does the woman imply?9. M: It has been pouring for days now.

  W: Tomorrow is my day at the beach. I would just have to forget about it if it doesn’t clear up.

  Q: What does the woman imply?

  10. W: When I’m playing the piano, I don’t worry about anything. How about you?

  M: I go to the gym every day. It helps me deal with stress.

  Q: What are the two speakers talking about?


  I am going to tell you about a sport, Capoeira. Capoeira came from Brazil, where it was started by the African slaves. They used it for entertainment and also to fight against their white masters. It is a kind of kung fu, which is also like a dance. You need to be very fit and strong, and you should have good control of your body. You often have to use your hands to balance.

  Everyone sits around in a circle, singing and playing music, and two people fight in the center. To fight the other person, you kick with your feet. But nowadays, there is no contact. As soon as you see the other person’s hand or foot coming towards you, you have to move away quickly. You must be careful that the other person doesn’t kick you. If the other person kicks you, then you lose.

  I’ve been doing Capoeira for three years. I’ve improved a lot since I first started, and now I wear a green belt. In the future, I would like to become a trainer and teach other people about this beautiful sport.


  11. Who first started Capoeira?

  12. What is required if a man wants to do Capoeira?

  13. When can a man be judged to lose in Capoeira?


  As a hotel manager, I have to walk around and smile all the time. Every day, I arrive at the hotel at 7:30 am. Before I prepare for the daily operational meeting, I first review the night manager’s reports and catch up on the emails that come through overnight. Then I check on breakfast, and walk through the restaurant to say hello to guests.

  At 9:00 am, there is the daily operational meeting, where staff report on what has happened the night before and what needs to be taken care of. At 9:45, I am very visible, and always around the hotel meeting and greeting staff. I have to keep an eye on what is going on, everything from the temperature of the shower to the variety of food. And we have to bear in mind cultural differences. For example, the Japanese want a running bath, and the Americans are fine just with a shower.

  At 1:00 pm, I always eat with a different member of staff as this is a valuable way of finding out what is going on.

  From 2:00 pm to 7:00 pm, there are different meetings concerning all the aspects of hotel operation. I tried to get through all the work by 7:00 pm.


  14. What does the speaker do first after arriving at the hotel?

  15. Which of the following details shows the speaker’s concern about cultural differences?

  16. What does the passage mainly tell us?


  W: Next patient, please.

  M: Morning, doctor.

  W: It’s Mr. Gerald, isn’t it?

  M: That’s right.

  W: Is that G—e—r—a—l—d?

  M: Yes, it is.

  W: Right, now what seems to be the trouble?

  M: Well, I’ve had this awful flu and terrible cough.

  W: I see. How long have you been feeling like this?

  M: Oh, about 3 or 4 days, I suppose.

  W: Have you had a temperature?

  M: It’s normal.

  W: OK. I’ll just look at your chest. Now, breathe in and out slowly, and again. Good, that’s it.

  M: Thank you.

  W: Well, I’ll give you some cough mixture. Take one spoon every four hours for the next five days.

  M: OK, doctor.


  M: I don’t know what to read. Can you recommend anything?

  W: Hmm, have you read a book by John Wyndham, called Web? I’ve just finished it.

  M: No, I haven’t. What sort of book is it?

  W: Well, you know John Wyndham writes science fiction stories. This one is a novel set on a Pacific island.

  M: What’s it about then?

  W: Well, the main characters are a man and a woman, who join in a group of people hoping to start the perfect society.

  M: I see. And do they succeed?

  W: No. It turns out that the island they go to is full of huge spiders. They are determined to destroy everything there, including any people who come. But I won’t tell you what happens next, or you won’t want to read it.

  M: OK, I’ll give it a try. Thanks.


  1~5 CBABD

  6~10 DBDAC

  11~15 BDCDB

  16. A 17. Gerald 18. flu 19. Normal 20. mixture 21. recommend a book

  22. Science fiction 23. the perfect society 24. huge spiders