


  1. 就我個人而言,我相信……,因此,我堅信美好的未來正等著我們。因為……Personally, I believe that_____Consequently, I'm confident that a bright future is awaiting us because______

  2. 隨著社會的發展,……因此,迫切需要……如果每個人都願為社會貢獻自已的一份力量,這個社會將要變得越來越好。With the development of society, ______So it“s urgent and necessary to ____If every member is willing to contribute himself to the society, it will be better and better

  3. 至於我***對我來說,就我而言***,我認為……更合理。只有這樣,我們才能……For my part, I think it reasonable to_____Only in this way can you _____

  4. 對我來說,我認為有必要……原因如下:第一,……; 第二,……;最後……但同樣重要的是……In my opinion, I think it necessary to____The reasons are as followsFirst _____Second ______Last but not least,______

  5. 在總體上很難說……是好還是壞,因為它在很大程度上取決於……的形勢。然而,就我個人而言,我發現……It is difficult to say whether _____is good or not in general as it depends very much on the situation of______However, from a personal point of view find______


  1. Although it is generally agreed that …, it is unlikely to be true that … 雖然大家普遍認同 ……,但 …… 不大可能是正確的。

  2. Although the ***common ***belief is that …. A recent ***discovery ***shows that … 雖然一般的觀點認為 ……, 但最近的發現表明 ……

  3. Although people all agree that …, it should be noted that … 雖然人們都一致認為 ……,但應指出的是 ……

  4. For years ***hard working has been regarded as …, but things are quite different nowadays. 多少年來,刻苦被認為是 ……,但近來情況卻起了變化。

  5. For years … had been viewed as …. But people are taking a fresh look at it now. 許多年來,…… 一直被認為是 ……。但人們現在正以嶄新的視角重新審視。

  6. Most of us have taken it for granted that …, but a recent survey reveals a surprising discovery. 我們大多數人對 …… 習以為常,但最近的一項調查卻揭示出一個令人吃驚的發現。

  7. We are often told that …. But is this really true? 我們常被告知 ……。但事情真是這樣嗎?

  Many people like the idea of …. But it is not beneficial to … 許多人喜歡這樣的想法,認為 ……。 但這對 …… 是沒有好處的。


  1. 如果我們不採取有效的方法,就可能控制不了這種趨勢,就會出現一些意想不到的不良後果,所以,我們應該做的是……If we can not take useful means, we may not control this trend, and some undesirable result may come out unexpectedly, so what we should do is_____

  2. All in all, it can be said that the Internet is very important總之,他的意思是網際網路很重要。Taking all these factors into consideration, we can come to the conclusion that……把所有的這些因素加以考慮,我們自然可以得出結論……

  3. As a result,it is not difficult to come to the conclusion that因此,我們不難得出結論……

  4. As far as I am concerned that we can't live without the Internet 就我而言,我們的生活不能沒有網際網路。

  5. There is no doubt that the Internet is very useful for people毫無疑問網際網路對人們非常有用。

  6. However,we also try to use it in a right way , not waste a lot of time in it 然而,我們也應該嘗試正確的方式運用它,切記不要浪費過多時間在它上面。