


  What can you catch but cannot throw? 什麼東西你能抓住但是不能扔掉? key :a cold 答案:感冒***catch a cold***, 英文中感冒為catch a cold

  What is full when it's used and empty when it's at rest?


  key:a shoe 答案:鞋

  What has a tongue but cannot talk? 什麼東西有舌頭但是卻不會說話?

  key: a shoe 答案:鞋

  What has teeth but cannot eat? 什麼東西有牙齒卻不能吃東西?

  key:corn 答案:玉米

  What goes through a door but never comes in or goes out?


  key: keyhole 答案:鎖眼

  What weather do mice and rats fear? ***老鼠害怕什麼天氣?***

  答案:When it's raining cats and dogs ***下大雨。rain cats and dogs 下大雨 ***

  When do dogs refuse to follow their masters? 狗什麼時候不願跟隨主人?

  答案:When their masters go to the flea market***主人去跳蚤市場時。Flea 跳蚤 flea market 舊貨市場


  答案:wonderful 謎語解析:彎的four

  汽車會飛***猜一種飲料*** 答案:咖啡 謎語解析***car 飛***


  What's the poorest bank in the world? 世界上最貧窮的銀行是什麼?

  key: the river bank 答案:河岸。bank還有河岸的意思

  What is heavier in summer than in winter? 什麼東西夏天比冬天重? key:Traffic to the beach

  答案:去海灘的車流 解釋:heavy除了重的意思,還有“交通量大的,繁忙的”意思。

  What bird lifts heavy things? 什麼鳥可以舉起來很重的東西?

  key: crane 答案:crane***鶴,另外一個意思是舉重機***

  What is yours but is used by others more than by yourself?


  key: your name 答案:你的名字

  What always goes up and never goes down? 什麼東西永遠只升不降 key: your age 答案:你的年齡

  What will you break once you say it? 什麼東西你說出來就打破了它? key: silence 答案:沉默

  Why is the library the highest building? 為什麼圖書館是最高的建築? key: it has the most stories?

  答案:因為它有最多的樓層 ***story有兩層意思,一個是故 事,一個是樓層***


  What do every couple have in common? 每一對夫妻都有的共同點是什麼? key: they're married on the same day 答案: 他們都在同一天結婚

  What word is pronounced wrong, even by the best of scholars?


  key: wrong 答案:wrong***錯***

  What animal is taller sitting down than standing up? 什麼動物坐著比站著高? key: A dog 答案:狗

  Which can move faster, heat or cold? 冷和熱誰跑得快?

  key: Heat, because you can catch cold.熱跑得快,因為你追得上冷。 cold n.冷;感冒 catch cold追上冷;患感冒

  If you were to throw a white stone into the Red Sea, what would it become?


  答案:It remains a white stone***他仍然是個白色石頭***

  If you throw a stone into the Red Sea,what will it become?


  答案:Wet 會變溼。