
注音 一 ㄔㄨˋ ㄐ一ˊ ㄎㄨㄟˋ

拼音 yī chù jí kuì




⒈  剛一接觸就立即潰散。形容軍隊無鬥志,喪失戰鬥力。

collapse at the first encounter;

危如累卵:  比喻處境極其危險,像堆起來的蛋,隨時可能滾下來,打碎。英in a precarious situation; as precarious as a pile of eggs;

不堪一擊:  堪:承受。經不起打擊,打一下都受不了。形容很脆弱。例在敗亡的時候,暴君們是多麼的無力,他們的王國就成了不堪一擊的紙糊的東西。——巴金《給西方作家的公開信》英collapse at the first blow; cannot withstand a single blow;

外強中乾:  外有強形,內中幹竭。泛指外表強大,內實空虛。英strong in appearance but weak in reality; be tough outside but brittle inside;

望風披靡:  比喻在強大勢力面前紛紛倒下,也比喻軍無鬥志,看到敵人氣勢強盛不戰而潰。英flee pell-mell at the mere sight of the oncoming force; flee helter-skelter at the mere sight;

危於累卵:  比壘起的蛋還危險。喻極其危險。

土崩瓦解:  如土之崩墜、瓦之破碎。比喻徹底崩潰、不可收拾。例封建帝制不是早就土崩瓦解了嗎。英crumble; disintegrate; collapse like a house of cards; fall apart; fall to pieces; go to hell in a hack;