
注音 ㄈㄤˇ ㄒ一ㄠˋ

拼音 fǎng xiào




⒈  仿照效法。

imitate; ape; copy; be modelled after;

效顰:  即“東施效顰”的寓言故事。出於《莊子·天運》:“西施(即西子)病心(心口疼)而臏(同“顰”,皺眉)其裡,其裡之醜,人見而美之(以之為美),歸亦捧心(用手按住心口),而臏其裡。”後人稱故事中的醜人為東施。將機械模仿者叫做“東施效顰”或“效顰”英poor imitation as Dongshi copied her neighbour,the famous beauty xishi in knitting her eyebrows; act the ape;

照樣:  依照某個已有的樣式。例請你們照樣重複一次。英after a pattern or model;⒉  依然;依照原來的樣子。例照樣要謝謝你。英all the same;

仿製:  模仿製作。英copy; be modelled on;

摹仿:  見“模仿”

效尤:  仿效壞的行為。例恐此子效尤,幹那結交權黨,勢壓班僚,喪失名節的事,豈不辱我一門清白?——《二度梅全傳》英imitate and exceed the original in doing evil; knowingly follow the example of a wrongdoer;

效法:  仿照別人的做法去做,學習別人的長處。例他治學嚴謹,值得效法。英follow the example of; imitate; follow in the footsteps; follow suit; model ofter; strike in with;

模仿:  按照現成的樣子做。例一首模仿傳統大學歌曲的諷刺歌。英imitate; copy; model oneself on;

仿造:  模仿一定的樣式製造。英copy; be modelled on;

仿照:  模仿參照。例仿照原樣製作。英imitate;

效仿:  模仿;效法。英follow the example of;