
注音 ㄌ一ㄠˇ ㄖㄨˊ ㄓˇ ㄓㄤˇ

拼音 liǎo rú zhǐ zhǎng




⒈  形容對情況極為清楚。


have sth.at one’s fingertips; know as one know his ten fingers; know like a book; know as well as a beggar knows his bag;

如指諸掌:  《論語·八佾》:“或問褅之說。子曰:'子知也;知其說者之於天下也,其如示諸斯乎!'指其掌。”後用“如指諸掌”比喻對事情非常熟悉瞭解。

洞若觀火:  形容對事物觀察得清楚明白,就像看火一樣。例老祖臺察吏安民,洞若觀火。——清·錢謙益《致郎制臺》英as clearly as a blazing fire; see very clearly as through looking at fire;

知己知彼:  對自己和對方都瞭解得很透徹。英knowing one's own situation and that of the enemy;

旁觀者清:  對同一事物,局外人比當事者看得全面,看得清楚。例俗語說:“旁觀者清”。這幾年姑娘冷眼看著,或有該添該減的去處,…——《紅樓夢》英the on-looker is clear-headed; the spectator sees the game best;

瞭若指掌:  同“瞭如指掌”。

如數家珍:  數:點數。家珍:家藏的珍寶。如同點數家裡的珍寶。比喻對所講的事情非常熟悉。例蒙蒲清為一一說明,真正是如數家珍。——郭沫若《洪波曲》英as if enumerating one's family valuables—very familliar with one's subject;

爛如指掌:  猶言瞭如指掌。形容對情況瞭解得非常清楚。


管窺蠡測:  管中視天,以瓢量海水,喻眼光狹小,見識不廣或不自量力。例我昨兒晚上的話竟說錯了,怪不得老爺說我是“管窺蠡測”!——《紅樓夢》三十六回。英take a narrow view of sth; look at the sky through a bamboo tube and measure the sea with a calabash——restricted in vision and shallow in understanding;

一清二楚:  非常清楚。英be ferfecely clear; as clear as daylight;

一目瞭然:  一眼就看得很清楚。英as clear as day; see with half an eye;