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拼音 zì jué fén mù




⒈  比喻自己把自己推上絕路。

dig one’s own grave;

自投羅網:  自己主動鑽入對方佈下的陷阱中。也指自取禍害,自作自受。例鳳姐因他自投羅網,少不得再尋別計,令他知改。——《紅樓夢》英hurl oneself willingly into the net; bite the hook;

作法自斃:  立法者犯了自己所立的法而為其所害。例怎奈此時官場中人,十居其九是吃煙的,哪一個肯建這個政策作法自斃呢?——《二十年目睹之怪現狀》英make a law only to fall foul of it oneself; be hoist with or by one’s own petard; get caught in one’s own trap;

自取滅亡:  自己招致滅亡。英court destruction; bring destruction to oneself; take the road to one's doom; court one's own ruin;


作繭自縛:  春蠶吐絲為繭,將自己裹縛其中。比喻弄巧成拙,自作自受。英spin a cocoon around oneself; be caught in one’s own trap;

自食其果:  指自己做了錯事,自己承受壞的後果。英eat one’s own bitter fruit; reap what one has sown; boomerang;


惹火燒身:  惹:招引。比喻自找麻煩,結果害了自己。例生怕惹火燒身,連忙把餘琳並馮氏,都送將出來。——明·東魯古狂生《醉醒石》英stir a fire and burn oneselfbring trouble upon oneself;

自作自受:  由自己的不良行為招致的後果,應由自己承擔。例汝母在生之日,都無一片善心,終朝殺害生靈,每日欺凌三寶。自作自受,非天與人。——《敦煌變文集·目邊緣起》英reap the fruits of one’s action; suffer through one's own misdeeds; stew in one's own juice;

引火燒身:  比喻主動表明自己的缺點錯誤,爭取群眾的批評幫助。英make self-criticism as one who draws a fire against oneself;