
注音 ㄘㄠˇ ㄇㄨˋ ㄐ一ㄝ ㄅ一ㄥ

拼音 cǎo mù jiē bīng




⒈  《晉書·苻堅載記》:淝水之戰,苻堅看到東晉軍隊陣容嚴整,又遠望八公山,把山上的草木都當成晉軍,十分恐懼。後用以比喻驚慌失措、猜忌敏感的心態。

every bush and tree looks like an enemy—a state of extreme nervousness,as if surrounded by enemies; apprehend danger in every sound;

風聲鶴唳:  鶴唳:鶴叫。《晉書·謝玄傳》記載,東晉時,秦主苻堅率眾攻晉,列陣淝水,謝玄等率精兵擊破秦軍,秦軍在敗逃途中極度驚慌疑懼或自相驚擾。“聞風聲鶴唳,皆以為王師已至”。形容非常慌張,到了自驚自擾的程度。例風聲鶴唳,草木皆兵。英the whining of the wind and the cry of cranes; a fleeing army's suspicion of danger at the slightest sound; be so nervous and fearful that a slight movement in the wind is enough to make one jittery;

八公草木:  將八公山的草木視為敵人。形容心情極為緊張和恐懼。

風兵草甲:  猶言草木皆兵。

杯弓蛇影:  應劭《風俗通義·怪神第九》記載,應郴請杜宣飲酒,掛在牆上的弓映在酒杯裡,杜宣以為杯中有蛇,疑心中蛇毒而生病。後用“杯弓蛇影”比喻疑神疑鬼,妄自驚擾。英extremely suspicious; have imaginary fears as one who mistakes the reflection of a bow in the wine cup for the shadow of a snake;

疑神疑鬼:  如神似鬼。形容神祕奇妙。懷疑這個,又懷疑那個。形容神經過敏,無中生有,胡亂猜疑。亦作:疑鬼疑神。

滿腹疑團:  疑團:許多弄不清的問題。形容心裡充滿了疑問。
