
注音 ㄈㄥ 一 ㄗㄨˊ ㄕˊ

拼音 fēng yī zú shí




⒈  服飾豐厚,食物充足。形容生活寬裕。

have rich food and clothing; be well-fed and well-clothed; have ample food and clothing;

飽食暖衣:  吃得飽穿得暖。

安居樂業:  居住安定,樂於從事自己的職業。英dwell under one's vine and fig tree; live and work in peace and contentment;

安家立業:  成立家庭,建立事業。

足食豐衣:  豐衣足食。形容生活富裕。

人給家足:  人人飽暖,家家富裕。

足衣足食:  衣食豐足。謂生活富裕。

暖衣飽食:  穿得暖,吃得飽。猶言豐衣足食。

錦衣玉食:  華美的衣服,珍異的食品。形容豪奢的生活。英live an extravagant life;

家給人足:  家家豐衣足食。英homes have adequate supplies and people live in contentment; all live in plenty; be well-to-do; with ample of support; with each family for and every person well-fed and well-elothed;

人壽年豐:  人員健康長壽,莊稼連年豐收。形容社會安寧、人民安居樂業。例大地回春,人壽年豐,…——老舍《老張的哲學》英the land yield good harvests and the people enjoy good health;