
注音 ㄍㄢˇ ㄣ ㄉㄞˋ ㄉㄜˊ

拼音 gǎn ēn dài dé




⒈  感激別人所給的恩德。

be deeply grateful for;

兔死狗烹:  把抓住兔子的獵狗烹煮吃掉。比喻成就事業後就把有功之臣殺了,只能共患難,不能共歡樂。多指獨裁專權。英cook the hound when the hares have been run down; trusted aides are eliminated when they have outlived their usefulness,as the hounds are killed for food once all the hares are bagged;

恩將仇報:  用仇恨來回報受到的恩惠,指忘恩負義。例要羅織月娘出官,恩將仇報。——《金瓶梅》英bite the hand that feeds one; requite kindness with enmity;

不識抬舉:  不知道對方對他器重或不接受對方優待。例這和尚好不識抬舉,我這姐姐,哪些兒不好?——《西遊記》英fail to appreciate sb's kindness;

鳥盡弓藏:  鳥打完了,就把弓收藏起來。比喻天下既定或大功告成之後,就把曾經出過力的人一腳踢開。英cast sb.aside when be has served his purpose; kick sb. out after his services are no longer required,as the bow and arrow are stacked away when there are no more birds to shoot;


辜恩負義:  猶言忘恩負義。

卸磨殺驢:  把拉完磨的驢卸下來殺掉。比喻把曾經為自己出過力的人一腳踢開。

痛心疾首:  形容痛恨到極點。形容悲傷到極點。猶言狠下決心。

忘恩負義:  忘卻別人對自己的好處,做事有損於過去的恩義。例如此忘恩負義,以致弄到犧牲盟國去訂“密約”的地步。英forgetful; turn on one's friend; kick away the ladder; be devoid of all gratitude;