
注音 ㄌㄠˇ ㄑ一ˋ ㄏㄥˊ ㄑ一ㄡ

拼音 lǎo qì héng qiū




⒈  形容老練而自負的神氣。


be pompously conceited; be proud of one's seniority; arrogant on account of one’s seniority; self-importance of the aged;

⒉  形容缺乏朝氣,暮氣沉沉。


lacking in youthful vigour;

白髮紅顏:  頭髮雖然斑白而臉色仍然紅潤。形容老人滿面紅光的樣子。英an elderly person with white hair and rosy face;

老成持重:  閱歷多,經驗豐富,遇事沉著穩重。例而老成持重,坐靡歲月,終於無成者,不可勝數。——清·魏善伯《留侯論》英be experienced and prudent; be rich in years and sound of judgment;

颯爽英姿:  颯爽:豪邁矯健;英姿:英勇威武的姿態。形容英俊威武、精神煥發的樣子。

生龍活虎:  像很有生氣的蛟龍和富有活力的猛虎。比喻活潑矯健、生氣勃勃。例這哪像我那生龍活虎的爸爸呀!——《一封終於發出的信》英doughty as a dragon and lively as a tiger; be full of vim and vigour;

鶴髮童顏:  滿頭白髮,面色紅潤。形容老年人氣色好,精神旺。例先主見李意鶴髮童顏,碧眼方瞳,灼灼有光。——《三國演義》英white hair and ruddy complexion hale and hearty; healthy in old age;

爛熳天真:  形容心地純真,不虛偽做作。

老當益壯:  主要指老年人繼續保持旺盛的鬥志。例丈夫為志,窮當益堅,老當益壯。——《後漢書·馬援傳》英hale and hearty in old age; be old but vigorous;⒉  年紀雖老,仍健康和充滿活力。例老當益壯,不甘落後。英florid old; be old in age but buoyant in spirit; there's many a good tune played on an old fiddle;

生機勃勃:  形容生活力很旺盛。例油田一片生機勃勃,繁忙興旺的景象。——張天民《創業》英dynamic;

老驥伏櫪:  三國魏·曹操《步出夏門行》:“老驥伏櫪,志在千里。烈士暮年,壯心不已。”(烈士:有志功業的人)比喻年已老但雄心壯志不減當年。英able men tied down to a routine post; ambition survives even in old age like the old steed in the stable that still wants to gallop a thousand li;

朝氣蓬勃:  有活力,有生氣;精力充沛。例一個朝氣蓬勃的青年。英vigorous;

生氣勃勃:  形容很有朝氣,充滿活力。例去年冬天,我從英德到連縣去,沿途看到松樹鬱郁蒼蒼,生氣勃勃,傲然屹立。——《松樹的風格》英live; be full of vitalily;
