


  There is a young man, Lord Ye. He likes dragons vey much. He draws many dragons in his house. The house becomes a world of dragon.

  A red dragon hears of Lord Ye, and is deeply moved. He wants to visit Lord Ye and makes a friend with him.

  “Hi, Mr. Ye! Nice to meet you,” the real dragon comes to visit Mr. Ye runs away as fast he can. “Oh, my God! Help! Help!” he runs and shouts.”





  Mr. Li is a good painter. One day he draws a beautiful dragon without eyes.

  Mr. Zhou looks at the picture and says, “The dragon has no eyes. It isn’t a good picture.”

  But Mr. Li smiles and says, “If I add eyes to the dragon, it will fly away.”

  Mr. Zhou shakes head and says, “You are boasting. I don’t believe you.”

  Mr. Li isn’t angry. He holds the paintbrush and adds eyes to the dragon. Woe! The dragon really flies.







  One day, Mr. Lion holds a party. Many animals come and drink a lot of wine. At last there is a pot of wine. Who can drink it? They drink out an idea and decide to have a match-Draw a snake. If you finish first, you can get it.

  Soon Mr.Wolf finishes drawing. “Yeah, I’ve finished. I’m No.1,” he says. But he draws again and says, “Oh, let me add feet and my snake.” At the time, Mr. Gorilla also finishes. He takes away the pot of wine and drinks, then he says, “That isn’t a snake. Snakes have no feet. I get the wine.”

  一天, 獅子先生舉行一場聚會,許多動物都來了,他們喝很多酒。最後只剩一壺酒了。讓誰喝呢?它們想了想,有個主意。它們比賽畫蛇,誰最快畫好,誰就喝這壺酒。



  A wild donkey once met a tame donkey feeding on a hillside. The wild donkey was thin and small.


  He spent his life out of doors, sheltering as best he could in the cold weather and eating the sparse hill grass all the year around.


  He sometimes had to walk miles to find fresh water and at night there was always danger from prowling wolves.


  The tame donkey was sleek and fat. During the summer he fed on the rich meadow grass while in winter he was given corn and hay to eat.


  There was always a pail of fresh water for him to drink and at night he was shut safely in a stable. "How lucky you are," said the wild donkey, "I wish I could live like you.'


  A few days later the wild donkey was once more foraging on the hillside. Looking down he saw the tame donkey walking slowly along the road, carrying a heavy load of wood.


  As he watched, the tame donkey paused to enrich at a thistle growing by the roadside, immediately his driver began to shout and to beat him with a stick.


  I've changed my mind about your way of life, thought the wild donkey" .I see that you have to pay heavily for the corn and hay they gives you.'
