


  一、 聽一聽,連一連。

  1. Amy is skipping rope.

  2. Lingling is flying a kite.

  3. Daming is swimming.

  4. Sam likes playing ping pong

  5. Tom is cold.

  二、聽錄音,為下列句子排序. 3 Let’s go and play football. 4 It’s warm and windy.

   1 Here are some newspapers for you. 5 Now It’s going past a hospital. 2 What do you like doing in summer?


  1、What’s the weather like?

  2、It’s cloudy

  3、Can you ride a bike?

  4、Sorry, I.can’t make a cake

  5、she is singing


  一、 聽錄音選出你所聽到的字母20 二、 聽錄音,根據你所聽到的內容排序。10 1、Noodles, no, I don’t like noodles. 1. A Cc 2 A Gg 3 A Ss 4 A Bb 5 A Mm 6 A Kk 7 A Ff 8 A Ii 9 A Uu 10 A Ww

  B Gg B Jj B Xx B Dd B Nn B Aa B Mm B Yy B Vv B Mm C Dd C Bb C Mm C Ee C Ll C Jj C Hh C Ll C Qq C Vv 2、Are you a good boy?Sweets for good boy. 3、Noodles for you, Tom. 4、I like sweets. 5、Ok, I like noodles.

  三、 聽錄音,根據你所聽到的內容判斷正誤。10 1、Good evening.

   2、Tom, sweets are for good boys. 3、You are good boy. 4、I don’t like ABC song. 5、I like ice cream.

  四、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。15 1、A. nice B. rice C. ice 2、A. song B. onion C. rice 3、A. meat B. team C. Sam 4、A. sweets B. ginger C. Ice cream 5、Ae B. children C . like 五、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。30

   1、A. I like the ABC song. B. It’s my favourite song. 2、A. I like basketball. B. I like football. 3、A. Let’s ride my bike. B. Let’s my kite. 4、A. I like meat. B. I don’t like meat. 5、A. Noodles for you. B. Meat for you. 6、A. I like rice. B. I like sweets.

   7、A. Thank you. B. How are you. 8、A. I don’t like ginger. B. I don’t like onions. 9、A. Stand up. B. Sit down. 10、A. Sorry, Sam. B. Thank you ,Sam. 六、 聽錄音,根據所聽問句選擇正確的答語。15 1、A. I like football. B. I’m playing football. 2、A. Yes, I can. B. No, I won’t. 3、A. They are cats. B. It’s a cat. 4、A. Yes,I am. B. No,I don’t. 5、A.Good night. B. Good afternoon.


  一. 聽錄音選出你所聽到的字母20 1. C Dd 2 B Jj 3 A Ss 4 A. Bb 5 C Ll 6 A Kk 7 A Ff 8 B Yy 9 A Uu 10 A Ww

  二、 聽錄音,根據你所聽到的內容排序。10 2 1、Noodles, no, I don’t like noodles. 4 2、Are you a good boy?Sweets for good boy. 1 3、Noodles for you, Tom. 3 4、I like sweets. 5 5、Ok, I like noodles.

  三、 聽錄音,根據你所聽到的內容判斷正誤。10 1、Good evening.

   √ 2、Tom, sweets are for good boys. 3、You are good boy. 4、I don’t like ABC song. √ 5、I like ice cream.

  四、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的單詞。15

   B 1、A. nice B. rice C. ice B2、A. song B. onion C. rice A3、A. meat B. team C. Sam C4、A. sweets B. ginger C. Ice cream B 5、Ae B. children C . like 五、 聽錄音,選出你所聽到的句子。30

  B1、A. I like the ABC song. B. It’s my favourite song.

   A 2、A. I like basketball. B. I like football. A 3、A. Let’s ride my bike. B. Let’s my kite. B 4、A. I like meat. B. I don’t like meat. A 5、A. Noodles for you. B. Meat for you. B 6、A. I like rice. B. I like sweets. B 7、A. Thank you. B. How are you. A 8、A. I don’t like ginger. B. I don’t like onions. A9、A. Stand up. B. Sit down. A 10、A. Sorry, Sam. B. Thank you ,Sam. 六、 聽錄音,根據所聽問句選擇正確的答語。15 A 1、A. I like football. B. I’m playing football. A 2、A. Yes, I can. B. No, I won’t. B 3、A. They are cats. B. It’s a cat.

   A 4、A. Yes,I am. B. No,I don’t. A 5、A.Good night. B. Good afternoon.


  一, 聽錄音,把聽到的單詞或字母的序號填到括號內。10分

   1、A b B j C g

   2、A v B z C s

   3 A green B blue C glow

   4 A kite B cat C sky

   5 A like B likes C nice

   6 A red B white C wind

   7 A do B does C did

   8 A write B white C want

   9 A they B their C them

   10 A cool B cold C hot


  y n


   Sping is warm.

   We can see mang butterfly.

   We can play games.

   There are four season in a year.

   I like spring best.

   Spring is nice.


  They in a year.I .We can
