
  My young frivolous, is you give pain.我的年少輕狂,是你給予的傷痛。你還知道哪些嗎?下面是小編為大家準備的一些,歡迎大家參閱,希望大家喜歡。


  1、Fake friends never betray in front of you. They always do it behind you.


  2、Actually I wanted to say on that day,Shall we never get apart,OK?


  3、god helps those who help themselves.


  4、Without you, my life don't know how to describe.


  5、First I need your hand ,then forever can begin.


  6、Forget others' faults by remembering your own.


  7、Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times. - Albus Dumbledore.


  8、Don't judge someone's past, when you haven't walked their journey!


  9、Fading is true while flowering is past.


  10、Fallen into the trap,for you are too greedy,it's not because of others cunning.


  11、all or nothing, now or never .


  12、great hopes make great man.


  13、We are all too young, a lot of things don't yet know, don't put the.


  14、Honestly, if you are not willing to sound stupid, you don't deserve to be in love.


  15、Be nice to people on the way up, because you'll need them on your way down.



  1、"Never, never, never, never give up Winston Churchill永遠不要、不要、不要、不要放棄。英國首相 丘吉爾"

  2、A thousand-li journey is started by taking the first step.千里之行,始於足下。

  3、"We must accept finite disappointment, but we must never lose infinite hope. -- Mattin Luther King我們必須接受失望,因為它是有限的,但千萬不可失去希望,因為它是無窮的。--馬丁·路德·金"

  4、Victory won'come to me unleI go to it. -- M.Moore勝利是不會向我們走來的,我必須自己走向勝利。 -- 穆爾

  5、All things come to those who wait.蒼天不負有心人。

  6、Take a detour and see the things you might not have seen.繞道走走看,看看你可能從沒看過的風景。

  7、You had me at Hello.在第一次見面時你就擁有了我。

  8、"You may obtain the world with love , you can also lose the world with hate.見你所見,愛你所愛,生活不是缺少美,而是缺少發現美的眼睛。"

  9、"as long as you are willing, please let me know what i can do for you. when you are unhappy and want to cry on somebody’s shoulder, i will stand before you immediately.只要你願意,當你失落失意的時候,最需要一個肩膀的時候,告訴我,我會立即出現。"

  10、Be confident with yourself and stop worrying what other people think. Do what's best for your future happiness!對自己要自信,別再管其它人怎麼想了。為了未來幸福全力以赴吧!

  11、"Where there is love, there are always wishes.哪裡有愛,哪裡就有希望。"

  12、A woman has got to love a bad man once or twice in her life to be thankful for a good one!一個女人一輩子總得喜歡上一兩個壞男人,才能學會對疼愛自己的男人心存感激。

  13、"Why do the good girls, always want the bad boys?為何好女孩總喜歡壞男孩?"

  14、"When we lose one we love, our bitterest tears are called for by the memory of hours when we loved not enough.當失去心愛的人時,我們拋灑悲苦的眼淚,那是因為我們想起了過去沒有好好地深愛他們。"

  15、You complete me.你使我完美起來。


  1.nothing is impossible!沒有什麼是不可能的,一切皆有可能!

  2.on sunday they pray for you,on monday they prey on you.資本家禮拜天他們為你祈禱,禮拜

  3.please queue up! please q-up!請排隊! so long!再見!

  4.the view is so beautiful,but not as beautiful as you!風景是如此的多姿,你卻美的無與倫比。

  5.there is no such thing as a free lunch!天下沒有免費的午餐。

  6.there‘s always going to be people that hurt you so what you have to do is keep on trusting and just be more careful about who you trust next time around. 這個世界永遠都會有一些傷害你的人,你要做的就是繼續去信人和小心你下次信的人。

  7.things will work out! 船到橋頭自然直!

  8.to the world ,you may be one person, but to one person you may be the world. 對於世界來說,你可能只是一個人;但對某個人來說,你可能就是全世界。

  9.we can’t all be heroes.somebody has to sit on the curb and clap as they go by.我們不可能都

  10.what if i do? what if i don’t?我做了會怎麼樣?我不做又會怎麼樣啊?

  11.a man apt to promise is apt to forget!喜歡隨便許諾的人就喜歡健忘。輕諾者健忘

  12.all men are mortal,because we are all mortal!每個人都終究一死,因為我們都是凡人!

  13.don‘t waste your time on a man/woman, who isn’t willing to waste their time on you. 不要花時間在一個不願花時間在你身上的人。

  14.don’t let the cat out of the bag.不要洩祕哦。

  15.east,west,home is the best!金窩窩,銀窩窩,不如自己的狗窩窩;家是最好的。