


  1五臟five zang-organs; five zang-viscera

  2六腑six fu-organs

  3經絡系統system of meridians and collaterals


  5有機整體organic wholenss

  6社會屬性social attribute

  7開竅of the five zang-organs open into

  8生長化收藏sprout, grow, transform, ripen and store


  10邪正關係relationship between pathogenic factors and healthy qi 11治療學therapeutics

  12風寒感冒common cold due to wind and cold

  13同病異治different therapeutic methods used to treat the same disease 14異病同治the same therapeutic method used to treat different diseases 15水液代謝平衡balance of water metabolism

  16清心火clearing away heart fire

  17疾病本質nature of disease

  18以左治右treating the left side for curing diseases located on the right side

  19從陰引陽drawing yang from yin


  treating the lower part for curing diseases located on the upper part


  1哲學概念 philosophical concept

  2.相互轉化 mutual transformation

  3.陰平陽祕 balance of yin and yang

  4.陰陽轉化 transformation between yin and yang

  5.寒極生熱 extreme cold turning into heat

  6.病理變化 pathological changes

  7.絕對偏盛 absolute predominance

  8.病機總綱 general rule of pathogenesis

  9.補其不足 supplementing what it lacks of

  10.祛風散寒 eliminating wind and dispersing cold

  11.相互消長 mutually inhibiting and promoting;wax and wane between yin and yang

  12.相互制約 mutually inhibiting and restraining

  13.相互依存 interdependence

  14.陰勝則陽病 excess of yin leading to decline of yang

  15.相反相成 contrary and supplementary to each other

  16.有機整體 organic whole

  17.陽損及陰 impairment of yang involving yin

  18.陰陽兩虛 deficiency of both yin and yang

  19.虛寒證 deficiency cold syndrome

  20.潛陽熄風 suppressing yang and eliminating wind


  1.中國醫藥學traditional Chinese medicine; TCM

  2中醫基礎理論basic theory of traditional Chinese medicine

  3臨床經驗clinical experience

  4辨證論治treatment based on syndrome differentiation

  5雜病miscellaneous diseases

  6中藥學Chinese pharmacy

  7四氣五味four properties and five tastes

  8鍼灸acupuncture and moxibustion; acumox

  9古代中國哲學classical Chinese philosophy

  10汗法sweating therapy; diaphoresis


  12吐法vomiting therapy; emetic therapy

  13補土派the School of Reinforcing the Earth


  15方劑prescription; formula

  16醫療實踐medical practice

  17治療原則therapeutic principles

  18寒涼藥物herbs cold and cool in nature

  19滋陰降火 nourishing yin and reducing fire

  20瘀血治病diseases caused by blood stagnation

