


  A:Excuse me, could you tell me how to get to the school clinic? I've lost my way.

  B:Yes. Go straight ahead till you come to the traffic lights, turn left there and it's the first turnning on the right.

  A:Straight ahead to the traffic lights, left and then right.

  B:That's it. It'll take you about five minutes.

  A:Thank you very much.


  A:Excuse me.


  A:Can you tell me the way to the Peak Tram, please?

  B:Certainly. Go along Queen's Road....

  A:Along Queen's Road....

  B:Yes, and turn right at the Hilton Hotel.

  A:Right at the Hilton.

  B:Then go up Garden Road, past the Cathedral.

  A:The Cathedral?

  B:Yes. Then cross the road at the next traffic lights. The Peak Tram is straight ahead. You can't miss it.

  A:That's very kind of you. Thank you. Er..... have you got a pencil?

  B:Yes. Why?

  A:Can you repeat all that? I think I'd better write it down.


  A:Excuse me, can you tell me the way to the Grand Cinema?

  B:I'm sorry. I can't. I'm a stranger here myself.

  A:Oh dear. How can I find out?

  B:Why don't you ask at the post office?

  A:That's a good idea. Do you know where the post office is?

  B:Yes. It's at the end of this road.

  A:I wonder if you could tell me where the Grand Cinema is?

  C:what's the name again?

  A:The Grand Cinema. It's supposed to be around here somewhere.

  C:Oh, yeah. It must be that place around the corner on Elm street.

  A:How far is it from here?

  C:You've got to take the No.402 bus.

  A:Oh, thanks a lot.