


  1. a paper factory 一家紙廠

  2. pour sth. into s.p. 把某物傾倒到……

  3. Greener China 綠色中國組織

  4. do something useful to do sth. 採取有效措施做某事

  5. the TV station 電視臺

  6. the newspaper 這家報社

  7. be afraid of sth. 害怕……

  be afraid of doing sth. 害怕做某事

  8. be afraid to do sth. ***因害怕而***不敢做某事

  9. have been a member of ……*** for …/ since…*** 加入……***多久了***

  10. have been in ……*** for…/ since…*** 加入……***多久了***

  have been at ……*** for / since …***

  11. have joined sth. 已經加入了……

  12. make friends with sb. 與某人交朋友


  1. The 比較級…, the 比較級 … 越……, 就越……

  比較級 and 比較級 越來越……

  2. join with sb. in sth. 參加某人的某種活動

  3. join in sth. = take part in sth. 參加某種活動

  4. work on a boat 在一艘船上工作

  5. * No spitting. 請勿隨地吐痰!

  6. No smoking. 請勿吸菸 !

  7. No graffiti. = No scribbling on the wall. 請五亂塗亂畫 !

  8. No littering. 不要亂扔果皮 !

  9. No talking. 請勿交談 !

  10. No photos. 請勿拍照 !

  11. No parking. 禁止停車 !

  12. No garbage here. 禁止倒垃圾!


  1. take care of the environment 保護環境

  2. protect the environment 保護環境

  3. improve the environment 改善環境

  4. harm the environment 給環境帶來危害 / 危害環境

  5. sth. come to one’s ears ……傳入耳中

  6. pick sth. up 拾起;***非正規地***學會;

  ***順便***買; ***順便用車***來接; 好起來; 上升

  7. collect *** the *** rubbish 收垃圾

  8. collect waste paper or bottles for recycling 收集可回收再用的廢紙或瓶子

  9. throw the rubbish into a dustbin 把垃圾扔進垃圾箱

  10. throw the litter onto the ground 把垃圾扔到地上

  11. throw some rubbish in 把一些垃圾扔進去

  12. produce a piece of music 奏出一段音樂

  13. help *** to *** keep the classroom clean and tidy 有助於保持教室乾淨和整潔

  14. around / in our neighbourhood 在我們的社群

  15. near our neighbourhood 在我們社群附近

  16. draw pictures on public walls 在公共場所的牆上亂塗鴉

  17. spit on the street 在街道上吐痰

  18. cut sth. down 砍倒某物

  19. plant trees 種樹

  20. pick flowers in the park 摘公園裡的花

