


  明朝***the Ming Dynasty***初期,中國是世界上最發達的國家之一。為了弘揚國力、加強與其他各國的聯絡,明成祖多次派遣鄭和出使西洋。1405年,鄭和開始了第一次航行。他的艦隊由200多艘船構成,所載人數超過2萬人,包括水手、軍人、技術人員、譯員等,還有大量黃金和絲綢,用於交易和作為禮品。往返用了兩年時間。鄭和出使的一些國家隨船派遣使者***envoy***,並帶來嚮明朝進貢的貢品***tribute***。鄭和下西洋是世界航海史上的一大壯舉***feat***。今天,東南亞仍有很多紀念鄭和的建築。


  In the early Ming Dynasty, China was one of the most developed countries in the world.In order to transmit its national power and strengthen contacts with other countries,Emperor Chengzu sent Zheng He to the Western Ocean many times.In 1405,Zheng He embarked on his first voyage.His fleet was composed of more than 200 ships and carried over 20,000 men,including sailors,soldiers,technical personnel,interpreters etc.,and large amounts of gold and silk to be used for trade and as gifts.The round trip took two years.Some of the countries Zheng He visited dispatched envoys bearing tributes to the Ming court on his ships.Zheng He's voyages were a great feat in the world's navigation history.Today,there are still many buildings in Southeast Asia dedicated to his memory.

  1.弘揚國力:可譯為 transmit its national power或carry forward its national power。

  2.加強…聯絡:可譯為 strengthen contacts或者enhance communication。

  3.往返:可譯為round trip,意為“往返旅行,環程旅行”。

  4.鄭和下西洋:即“鄭和的航行”,可譯為Zheng He's voyages。


  6.紀念:可譯為be dedicated to one's memory。



  自隋朝起,封建政府開始從科舉考試***imperial examination***合格的應試者中選拔官員。參加科舉考試的人有兩種:一種由學館選送的學生構成,叫做生徒 ***shengtu***;另一種叫做鄉貢***xianggong***,由縣試合格者構成。唐朝的科舉考試一般由禮部***Ministry of Rites***主持。考生考取後,再經吏部***Ministry of Personnel***複試,根據成績授予相應的官職。科舉制度一直被多朝沿用,直到中國最後一個封建王朝—清朝。然而,明清時期,科舉制度演變成嚴格、呆板的制度,阻礙了中國考試製度的現代化和科學化發展。


  Since the Sui Dynasty,the feudal government started to select officials from the qualified candidates in the imperial examinations.There were two kinds of people taking the imperial examination.One was comprised of students chosen by academies, who were called shengtu; the other kind,called xianggong, was made up of those who had passed the examinations held by counties.The imperial examination in the Tang Dynasty was usually held by the Ministry of Rites.Those who passed the examination would be re-examined by the Ministry of Personnel and be conferred with relevant official positions according to their examination results.The imperial examination system was used throughout many dynasties until China's last imperial dynasty,the Qing Dynasty.However, during the Ming and Qing Dynasties,the imperial examination system became a strict and rigid institution which stopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods.

  1.選拔官員:可譯為select officials。

  2.學館:即古代的學校,此處的“學校”可以推薦當官,可見譯為school不合適, 能夠推薦當官的應該是高等學府,故譯為academy。

  3.由…構成:可用片語be comprised of來表達,還可以用片語consist of, be made up of。


  5.縣試:即由縣裡組織的考試,故可譯為examinations held by counties。



  8.阻礙了中國考試製度的現代化和科學化發展:可理解為“阻礙了中國採用現代化和科學的方法”,故可譯為定語從句which stopped China from adopting modern and scientific methods。