





  Long before the emergence of the written word, ballads and myths, passed around by word of mouth, were widely popular. Chinese literature finds its origins in these traditions. However, ballads were what people improvised out of daily life, and due to lack of means to record and preserve them in ancient times, they quickly disappeared without leaving much of a trace. Today, we can only deduce their existence from ancient books, which recorded some time-honored ballads, though most of these are believed to be derivatives of later generations. Ballads in The Book of Songs are the earliest writings that can be dated. From this point of view, ancient mythology has had a greater influence on Chinese literature.


  歌謠 ballad

  隨興而發 improvise

  痕跡 trace

  推斷 deduce

  年代非常久遠的 time-honored

  偽託 derivative

  《詩經》 The Book of Songs





  The Dragon Boat Festival can date back to the Warring States Period in 227 B.C. The festival commemorates Qu Yuan, a minister in the service of the Chu Emperor. Despairing over corruption at court, Qu threw himself into a river. Townspeople jumped into their boats and tried in vain to save him. Then, hoping to distract hungry fish from his body, the people scattered rice into the water. Over the years, the story of Qu’s death transformed into the traditions of racing dragon boats and eating zongzi—a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves. The Chinese Dragon Boat Festival was proclaimed an intangible cultural heritage by the United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ***UNESCO*** in 2009.


  端午節 the Dragon Boat Festival

  追溯到 date back to

  戰國時代 the Warring States Period

  紀念 commemorate


  因…感到絕望 despair over

  沒有成功 in vain

  撒 scatter

  引開 distract

  演變成 transform into

  賽龍舟 race dragon boats

  吃粽子 zongzi—a kind of rice wrapped in bamboo leaves

  聯合國教科文組織 United Nations’ Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization ***UNESCO***

  宣佈 proclaim

  非物質文化遺產 intangible cultural heritage