



  與許多國家一樣,中國也已建立起一個體系,以確保公民在退休後能夠維持一定收人。這個體系的運轉靠的是僱主和僱員每月各自上繳一部分錢。僱員上繳的部分存人個人賬戶,退休後個人可以直接從賬戶中取錢。而僱主上繳的部分將存入社會賬戶。這個賬戶中的基金將分配給所有曾在其職業生涯中向此賬戶繳過錢的公民。這樣,即使公民用完了個人賬戶中的養老金,依然能有一些收入來維持生計 。


  As in many other countries,China has put in place a system to ensure that its citizens will be able to maintain some income after their retirement.It operates by receiving income on a monthly basis from both the employee and the employer.The portion received from the employee goes into a personal account and after retirement the individual can withdraw money from it directly.However,the portion received from the employer goes into a social account.Funds in this account are distributed to all citizens that have turned in their income into the system during their working life.In this way,citizens who have used up the personal fund will still have some income to support themselves.

  1.與許多國家一樣,中國也已建立起一個體系,以確保公民在退休後能夠維持收入:建立起一個體系可譯為set up a system或put in place a system。

  2.這個體系的運轉靠的是僱主和僱員每月各自上繳一部分錢:“運轉”譯為operate。“靠…上繳一部分錢”可理解為“收到…繳來的錢”,故譯為 receiving income...from…




  中國正面臨著人口老齡化和低出生率這些發達國家擁有的問題。在商業領域這些問題則顯得更加緊迫。創業的一代人正在老去,但他們很難說服自己的孩子來繼承遺產,繼續經營他們的企業。對家族企業來說,落實一個清晰有效的繼任計劃***succession plan***是一個令人頭痛的問題。雖然有很多原因可以解釋這種不情願繼任的情況,但商業環境的惡化***deterioration***已被證明是主要因素之一。


  China is facing the developed world's problems of an ageing population and low birth rate.These problems have taken on even more urgency in the business community.The founding generation is getting older but having great difficulty persuading their children to carry on their legacy and keep their business running.Putting in place a clear and effective succession plan is a headache for family-run businesses.While there are many reasons to explain such reluctance,the deterioration in the business environment has been proven to be one of the main factors.

  1.中國正面臨著人口老齡化和低出生率這些發達國家擁有的問題:“面臨著”可用face表示,“面臨著…的問題”可譯為face the problem of;“人口老齡化既可譯為population ageing,也可譯為an ageing population。“發達國家擁有的問題”可用the developed world's problem of表示。

  2.創業的一代人正在老去,但他們很難說服自己的孩子來繼承遺產,繼續經營他們的企業:“老去”即“變老”,可譯get older。“難以做某事”可用固定表達方式have difficulty ***in*** doing sth來表示,“很難說服自己的孩子”,可譯為have great difficulty persuading their children。“繼續經營他們的企業也就是使他們的企業可以繼續經營下去”,故可譯keep their business running。

  3.對家族業來說,落實一個清晰有效的繼任計劃是一個令人頭痛的問題:“家族企業”可譯為family-run business,“國有企業”則為state-run business。