


  第一部分 基本詞彙

  詢價 make an inquiry

  報價 quotation

  報/發盤 offer

  底盤 floor offer

  實/虛盤 firm/non-firm offer

  開/收盤 opening/closing price

  現/期貨價 spot/forward price

  還盤 counter-offer

  回佣 return commission

  到岸價 C.I.F.***即Cost, Insurance and Freight***

  到岸加佣金價 C.I.F.C.***即Cost, Insurance, Freight and Commission***

  現貨 spot goods

  庫存有限 limited stock

  批發價 wholesale price

  零售價 retail price

  淨利潤 net profit

  定金 down payment

  分期付款 payment by installment

  現金結算 cash settlement

  信用證結算 payment by letter of credit***L/C***

  股東 shareholder; stockholder

  我方 on our part

  雙贏戰略 win-win strategy

  中止合同 terminate the contract

  提出索賠 lodge a claim

  要求賠償損失 claim for a compensation of the loss/damage

  貿易索賠 business claim

  補償貿易 compenstion trade

  第二部分 詞語擴充套件

  商品交易會 Commodities Fair

  經營範圍 line/scope of business

  獨家經銷代理 exclusive selling agency

  市場準入 market access

  機床 machine tools

  汽車零部件 auto parts

  電子商務 e-commerce; e-business

  第三部分 例句


  I'd like to hear your quotation on a C.I.F.Los Angeles basis valid for 90 days, with an inclusion of 5% angent's commission in your quotation.


  1. chortle ['tʃɔːtəl] n./v. laugh in a way that shows you are very pleased, 開心地笑

  例句:There was silence for a moment, then Larry began chortling like an idiot.


  2. chuckle1 ['tʃʌkəl] n./v. a soft partly suppressed laugh ;laugh quietly or with restraint,輕聲笑

  例句:He gave a little chuckle.


  3. guffaw2 [gə'fɔː] n./v. a very loud laugh;laugh loudly,鬨笑,大笑

  例句:As they guffawed3 loudly, the ticket collector arrived.


  4. simper ['sɪmpə] n./v. a silly self-conscious smile;smile affectedly5 or derisively6, 傻笑,假笑

  例句:The maid lowered her chin and simpered.


  5. smirk7 [smɜːk] n./v. to smile in an affected4 or smug manner; smile affectedly or derisively, 傻笑,得意地笑,幸災樂禍地笑

  例句:Two men standing8 nearby looked at me, nudged each other and smirked9.


  6. snigger ['snɪgə] n./v. a disrespectful laugh; laugh quietly,暗笑,竊笑

  例句:Suddenly, three school kids sitting near me started sniggering.


  7. giggle10 ['gɪgəl] n./v. to laugh in a nervous or childlike way,緊張得咯咯笑

  例句:I was so nervous I got the giggles11.


  8. titter ['tɪtə] n./v. to laugh in a quiet and nervous way,竊笑

  例句:Mollie gave an uneasy little titter.


  9. grin [grɪn] n./v. a broad smile ; you smile broadly, 咧嘴笑,露齒而笑

  例句:Sarah tried several times to catch Philip's eye, but he just grinned at her.
