


  121、到達get to=reach=arrive in***大地方***/at***小地方***


  122、look after=take care of照顧照看

  123、lose one's way迷路

  124、make friends with sb和誰成為朋友

  125、make it early把時間定的早一點make it 7:30

  126、need to do***實義動詞***need do***情態動詞***

  need doing=need to be done

  127、no+名詞=not a/an/any+名詞

  with nothing=without anything

  128、not anymore=no more再也不……

  eg:He didn't cry any more.=He no more cried他再也不哭

  129、not at all一點都不

  not only…but also…不但…而且…***①連線主語時謂語動詞據後定②連線句子且not only位於句首時,not only後用倒裝***


  131、provide sb with sth=provide sth for sb給某人提供……

  132、offer sb sth=offer sth to sb提供什麼東西給某人

  133、on one's way to…在某人去……的路上

  134、on the one hand一方面on the other hand另一方面

  135、on the phone=over the phone用電話交談

  136、on time準時in time及時

  137、one day=some day=someday一天,有一天

  138、one of+可數名詞的複數形式

  139、over and over agin一遍又一遍的

  eg:He cleaned the floor over and over again.

  140、pay for…付……錢pay the bill付錢

  141、help oneself to+食物請某人隨便吃/喝點什麼

  142、prefer sth to sth相對……更喜歡……***過去式preferred***

  prefer doing to doing更喜歡去做…不願意去做…

  prefer to do sth rather than do sth寧願做…也不願

  143、pretend to do sth裝著去做什麼

   two cheats pretended to be working very hard.這兩個騙子裝著努力工作

  144、would rather…than寧可……也不……

  eg:I would rather be a doctor than a teacher.


  I regard you as my friend我把你當作我的朋友

  146、remid sb of sth=make sb think of使某人想起……

  147、return sth to sb=give sth back to sb還什麼東西給某人

  148、say to oneself對自己說

  149、say to sb對某人說

  150、sb spend some money on sth花了多少錢在某事上

  sb spend some time with sb花了多少時間陪誰

  sb spend some time***in***doing sth花了多少時間做某事

  151、sb with sb+is sb and sb+are

  152、show sb sth=show sth to sb拿什麼東西給某人看


  one…the other…一個…另一個

  154、stop doing停下正在做的事

  stop to do停下正在做的事去做下一件事

  stop sb***from***doing阻止某人做某事

  stop smoking=give up smoking

  155、such a/an+形容詞+名詞單數=so+形容詞+a/an+名詞單



  156、suit sb適合某人

  157、surprise sb使某人驚奇to one's surprise令某人驚奇

  158、take classes上課take one's temperature給某人量體溫

  take sb to把某人帶去take the medicine吃藥

  take walks=take a walk=go for a walk散步

  159、①talk to對誰說②talk with和某人說

  ③talk about談論關於……


  161、tell sb sth告訴某人某事tell a story講故事

  tell sb to do sth告訴某人做什麼

  tell sb not to do sth

  162、thanks to幸虧,由於

  thank you for+doing thank sb for sth因某事而感謝某人


  The more careful you are,the fewer mistakes you’ll make.


  not adj+enough to不是足夠…能…


  eg:He is too young to go to school

  =He is so young that he can't go to school.=He is not old enough to go to school.


  166、try/do one's best to do sth盡某人最大的努力去做某事

  167、try to do sth盡力做try doing sth嘗試做

  168、try it/them on試衣服have a try試一下

  169、turn down開小音量←→turn up開大音量

  170、turn off關上←→turn on開啟


  172、Be quick,or you’ll be late=If you aren’t quick,

  you’ll be late.

  Hurry up,or you’ll be late.

  =If you don’t hurry,you’ll be late.

  173、wait for sb to do sth等某人做什麼wait for sb等某

  wait for some time等多少時間

  174、wake sb up把某人叫醒***過去式woke***

  175、want to do sth=would like to do=feel like doing想要做某事

  176、welcome to+…***地方***歡迎到……

  177、what if如果……怎麼辦What if+句子

   if it is true?如果是真的怎麼辦?

  178、what they will do=what to do

  179 What's the matter?=What's the trouble?=What's wrong?


  181、why don't you=why not

  182、Will you please***not***do sth?

  183.with one's help=with the help of sb

  =If sb help sb without one's help

  =If sb don’t/doesn’t help sb

  184、had better do最好做某事had better not do最好不要做某事



  187、太多too much+不可數too many+可數

  much too相當於very,修飾形容詞

  188、in+一段時間用於將來時用How soon提問

  189、can’t wait to do sth.迫不及待地要求做某事.

  190.ask***tell***sb.***not***to do sth.請***告訴***某人***不***做某事.

  191、It’s best to do sth最好做某事

  192、have nothing to do with…=not about與…無關

  193、It is said that…=People say據說…

  194、星期:Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday

  Thursday Friday Saturday

  195、月份:January February March April May June July August September October November December

  196、wonder=want to know想知道

  have no idea=don’t know不知道

  197、in the morning/afernoon/evening在上午/下午/晚上

  On the morning/afernoon/evening of+幾月幾日

  On a cold/winter he morning/afernoon/evening

  198、轉彎:take the first turning on the left/right

  turn left/right at the first crossing

  199、數詞:40 forty第一first第二second第三third


  200、in the 1980s在二十世紀八十年代

  201、時間表達:①直接讀先時後分7:10 seven ten


  4:15 a quarter past four 4:30 half past four

  4:45 a quarter to four


  一段時間+has passed+since+一般過去時.

  203、常考的不可數名詞:weather news advice information bread

  204、最高階→比較①Jim is the tallest student in his class.

  ②Jim is taller than any other student in his class.

  ③Jim is taller than the other students in his class.

  ④Nobody else is taller than Jim in his class.

  ⑤Anybody else is not taller than Jim in his class.


  Eg.Shanghai is bigger than any city in Japan.

  205、So+動詞+主語.***用於肯定***Me too.…也是這樣的.


  Me either.…也不.
