


  Workman: "Mr. Brown, I should like to ask for a smallrise in my wages. I have just been married." Employer: "Very sorry, my dear man, but I can't help you. For accidents which happen to our workmen outside the factory we are not responsible."

  工人:“布朗先生,我想請您給我加一點工資。我剛剛結了婚。” 僱主:“非常抱歉,老兄,但是我無能為力。對工人在廠外發生的事故我們概不負責。”


  Two tomatoes went shopping. The first tomato walked fast. The second one asked, "Where are wegoing?" The first tomato has no answer, the second tomato asked again. The tomato has no answer, so the second tomato asked again. The first tomato finally turned slowly,said: "We are not tomatoes? We can talk?"

  兩顆番茄去逛街,第一顆番茄突然走得很快,第二顆番茄就問:“我們要去哪裡?” 第一顆番茄沒有回答,第二顆番茄又問了一次。 第一顆番茄還沒回答,所以第二顆番茄又問了一次。 第一顆番茄終於慢慢轉頭說:“我們不是番茄嗎?我們會說話嗎?”


  A man goes to church and starts talking to God. He says: "God, what is a million dollars to you?" God says: "A penny", then the man says: "God, what is a million years to you?" and God says: "a second", then the man says: "God, can I have a penny?" and God says "In a second."



  A farmer and his son, traveling by horse and buggy up a narrow lane, met a motorist going the other way. There was no room to pass for two miles in either direction. The motorist, in hurry,honked his horn.

  "If you don't back up," said the farmer, rolling up his sleeves, I won't like what I'm going to have to do." The surprised driver put his car in reverse and backed up two miles, allowing the horse and buggy to go by. "What was it you wouldn't have liked to have done back there?" asked the farmer's son.

  "Back up two miles," replied the farmer.

  一位農夫和他的兒子乘坐輕便馬車來到一段窄路,他們遇到一個開車的人向相反的方向去。兩個方向的兩英里以內都沒有地方可以使他們相擦而過。駕車人甚是著急,按響了喇叭。 “如果你不後退,”農夫說著擼起了袖子,“我可不喜歡我將不得不做的事。”司機吃驚不小,掛上倒擋,向後退了兩英里,讓輕便馬車先過去。

