
  Starter U1 Good Morning

  1. Names: 姓名與性別


  2. Greet people

  1*** Good morning/ afternoon/ evening


  但Good night***晚安,再見***

  2*** A: Nice to meet you. B: Nice to meet you, too.

  3***A: How are you? B: I’m fine/ ok. Thanks.

  4*** Hello, Hi

  3. Letters: A-H ***書寫,發音***

  4. 字母A,E在單詞中的發音及含有相應發音的字母***P S4***

  字母A在單詞中的發音[ei], [æ] 及含[ei]音的字母 ***A, H, J, K,***

  字母E在單詞中的發音[i:], [e], 及含[i:]音的字母 ***B, C, D, E, G, P, T, V, Z*** ;

  含 [e]音的字母***F, L,M, N, S,X,Z***

  Starter U2 What’s this in English?


  Eg 1*** A: What’s this in English?

  B: It’s a schoolbag.

  A: Spell it, please. ***How to spell it?***


  Eg 2*** A: What’s this in English?

  B: It’s an orange.

  A: Spell it, please. ***How to spell it?***


  Eg 3*** A: What’s that in English?

  B: It’s a jacket.

  A: Spell it, please. ***How to spell it?***

  B: J-A-C-K-E-T.

  補充:1*** in表示“用…***語言***”。

  Eg: A: What’s that in English? B:It’s a 床。

  另一種表達方式:A:What’s the English for 電腦?

  B:It’s a computer.

  2.不定冠詞a 和an***泛指一個***


  a key, a map, a picture, a book, a sheep

  an apple, an orange, an egg, an umbrella, an hour, an honest man,

  3.Letters: I-R ***書寫,發音***

  4.字母A, E, I,O在單詞中的發音及含有相應發音的字母***P S8***

  字母I在單詞中的發音[ai]、[i], 及含[ai]音的字母 *** I, Y***

  字母O在單詞中的發音[əu]、 [ɔ],及含[əu]音的字母 ***O***

  Starter U3 What color is it?


  Eg: red, green, blue, orange, yellow, pink, purple, black, white, gray, brown,

  2.Letters: S-Z ***書寫,發音***

  3.母音字母***A, E, I,O, U***與子音字母

  4.字母A, E, I,O,U在單詞中的發音及含有相應發音的字母***P S12***

  字母U在單詞中的發音[ju:]、[ʌ], 及含[ju:]音的字母***Q, U, W***


  Eg: 1***--What’s this? --It’s a TV.

  2***--What color is it? --It’s red.

  6. 介詞in“在…裡面”的用法

  Eg: 1*** E in the “evening”

  U1 My name is Gina.

  1. 自我介紹:

  姓名: 1*** I’m Gina. 2*** My name is Gina.

  注: 1***”姓”在後—last name, “名”在前—first name

  年齡: 1*** I am 12 this year. 2***I’m 12 years old this year.

  2. 見面問候

  1***Hello / Hi

  2***Good morning/afternoon/ evening.

  3***Nice to meet/see you

  3.相互介紹***認識***:詢問姓名 ***make friends交朋友***

  1*** What’s you name? 2*** Your name, please?

  3*** May I know your name?

  Eg: A: Hello, I’m Gina. What’s your name?

  B: My name is Cindy.

  A: Hi, Cindy. Nice to meet you.

  B: ***Hi, Gina.*** Nice to meet you too.


  Eg: 1*** A: What’s your telephone number, Gina? B: It’s 281-9176

  2*** A: What’s her telephone number B: ***Her phone number is*** 806-5224



  3***如果兩個相同的數字x連著出現,念double x

  5.基數詞***0~9***:zero,one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine


  7.ID card 身份證, school ID card學生證

  Eg: 1*** Please show me your ID card.

  2*** Do you have your school card with you?

  3*** Your ID card, please.

  8. be動詞的一般現在時與人稱代詞的對應關係:

  I – am; you, we, they--- are; he, she it—is

  U2 This is my sister ***主題:My family***

  1. 家庭及家庭成員:grandparents, grandfather/grandpa, grandmother/grandma, parent, father/ dad/ papa, mother/mom/ mama/, aunt, uncle, brother, sister, cousin, son, daughter, who family, people, member

  2. 指示代詞: 近指:***單數***this, ***複數*** these; 遠指:***單數***that, ***複數***those

  注意:在下文中或回答指示代詞的問句時,用人稱代詞:單數this, that用it,複數these,those用they。

  Eg: 1*** This is my friend, Jane.

  2*** These are my friends.

  3*** That’s my brother.

  4*** Are those your books?

  5***-- Who’s she? -- She’s my sister.

  3. 名詞的複數形式***

  規則:1.***一般情況詞尾 +s : book-- books mouth---mouths house---houses girl---girls

  2***.以 s 、 sh 、 ch 、 x結尾的+ es : class--- classes, dish- dishes, match----matches ,watch- watches, box----boxes, fox- foxes

  3***.子音字母 + y結尾的變 y為i, +es: city---cities country----countries party----parties factory----factories

  4.***以 o 結尾的詞 +es的只有以下詞 :heroes, Negroes, tomatoes, potatoes zeroes/zeros

  以 o 結尾並且詞尾有兩個母音字母 +s radios, zoos, bamboos ,***pianos ,kilos photos***

  5***以f, fe 結尾的 變f或fe為v +es : thief- thieves, wife-wives, life-lives, knife-knives, wolf-wolves, half-haves, leaf-leaves, shelf- shelves

  ***記憶:The thief’s wife killed three wolves with some leaves and knives in half of her life.***


  1***man—men, woman—women, tooth—teeth, foot—feet, goose—geese child—children, mouse—mice,

  2.***單複數相同: sheep, deer, Chinese, Japanese Swiss.

  3***以man, woman 修飾名詞構成合成詞時,兩個詞都變化. man servant—men servants. 別的是前一名詞限制後一名詞時,只後一名詞彎複數 boy/girl students

  4. ---Have a good/nice/happy day! Have a good/nice/happy time. Have a good evening.*** 祝你們玩得開心。***

  --- You too. ***你也是。***

  5. 介詞in***在…裡面***,

  Eg: 1***My grandfather and grandmother are in the first photo.

  2*** In the next picture are my brothers, Bob, and Eric.

  6. Family Tree***grandparents: grandfather/grandpa, grandmother/grandma; parents: father/dady/dad/papa, mother/mommy/mom/mama; uncle, aunt; son, daughter, brother***elder brother/younger brother/baby brother***, sister***elder sister/younger sister /baby sister***; cousin ['kʌzn] n. 堂[表]兄弟姊妹; nephew[ˈnefju:] n. 侄子,外甥; niece [ni:s] n. 外甥女;侄女;***

  7. 閱讀理解***P11***:閱讀一篇與家有關的短文,完成句子或回答問題。

  8. 書面表達:仿寫。 仿p11 2b,寫一篇與家有關的短文。

  U3 Is this your pencil? ***主題:教室的用品、學習用品***

  1. 詞彙:pencil, pencil box, schoolbag, book, eraser [ɪ'reɪzə***r***], notebook, dictionary, bag, baseball, computer game, ID card, watch, ring mine, yours, his, hers,

  2. 片語: 1*** thank you for…, 謝謝您…***因…感謝你***

  2*** ask…for… 問…***關於***…***事***

  3*** a set of … 一套

  3. 主要句型:1***---Is this your pencil? --Yes, it is. It’s mine.

  2***—Are these our books? ---No, they aren’t. They’re hers.

  3*** A: What’s this? B: It’s a dictionary.

  A: How do you spell it? B: D-I-C-T-I-O-N-A-R-Y

  4. 事物的所屬***問與答***

  3.1 代詞所有格—名詞性和形容詞性的物主代詞,詳見上***表一***

  Eg: 1***---Is this your pencil? -- Yes it is. It’s mine.

  2*** --- Are these your books? --No, they aren’t. They are hers.

  4.2 名詞的所有格***請參考“英語如是學”欄中博文《中考“名詞所有格”考點》,網址是:

  5. 含有be動詞的一般現在時:

  1*** be動詞後必須帶賓語***名詞、形容詞、或介詞短語***

  2*** be動詞一般現在時與人稱或數的關係***一般現在時be動詞與人稱及數的關係見下表***

  3*** be動詞一般現在時的否定句:直接否定be動詞***直接在be動詞後加not******be動詞一般現在時的否定形式與人稱及數的關係見下表***

  4*** be動詞一般現在時的一般疑問句:將be動詞提到句首,同時注意人稱和相應的be動詞的變化***be動詞一般現在時的一般疑問句與人稱及數的關係見下表***。簡答:肻定回答Yes, 主語的人稱代詞 be. 否定回答:No, 主語的人稱代詞 be的否定式***縮寫***。

  6. Excuse me, Grace. Is this your pencil?

  1*** Excuse me“勞駕, 打擾了”,用於詢問或求助、請求之前。

  2*** I’m sorry “對不起,請原諒。” 用於給對方造成不便或傷害而向對方道歉。

  例1: Excuse me, how can get to the science museum/ post office?勞駕,請問我怎麼能到科技館?

  例2:I’m sorry to bother you.很抱歉打擾了。

  7. What about/ How about “…怎麼樣?”, “…又如何呢?”表示徵求意見、或反問同樣的問題怎麼樣。

  例1:--The blue hat is Johnny’s. What about the yellow one?這個藍色的帽子是約翰的,那這個黃色的呢?

  例2: A:Does your sister like English?

  B: Yes, she does. How about you?