








  All the glory and pride of the world comes from the mother. -- gorky

  Mother love is a huge flame. "-- romain rolland

  There is one of the most beautiful sounds in the world. That is the mother's call. -- Dante

  the arm of the mother is lovingkindness. How can the child sleep in it not sweet? -- Victor Hugo

  The sweetest word that the person's lips can send is the mother, the best call, the mother. - khalil gibran

  Mother love is the greatest force in the world. - mir

  When success comes, everyone is a friend. But only the mother -- she was the partner of failure. - zheng zhenduo

  To me, my mother seems to be the most amazing woman I know... I met so many people, but I never met a woman as graceful as my mother. If I have done anything, it is due to her. -- Charles Chaplin


  Today, May 10 - Alma mater day. The teacher assigned a homework assignment: to help mother do one thing. I chose to mop the floor. When my mother heard that I was going to do something for her, she readily agreed.

  The mop of our wooden floor is flat. It can rotate 360 degrees. My mother showed me first: she swept the floor clean with a broom, and she didn't let her hair down. Then he took the cloth from the mop and dipped it in water and began to mop it up. The light feet of the mother, like the swallow's lightness. I asked my mother, "mom, do you get tired every time?" "Not tired, every time I see you sleeping in such a tidy room, your eyes look much more comfortable." My mother said, and she began to show me a demonstration: "in a moment, a tidy room is in front of me.

  Next, is the time for me, I also according to the appearance of the mother, drag drag, I find that the ground has a stickers, how to drag drag out too. Ah, a good idea was born in my mind. Well, how could this first little problem be so smart? I ran to the toilet, took a discarded toothbrush, and tried to brush and brush, and I finally got rid of it. After a while, the room was cleaned up by me. When my mother saw me, she ran over and said, "OK." I smiled happily!

  Mom, on this mother's day, I say to you sincerely, "mom, I love you!"