







  資料1:Happy weekend

  Every weekend morning, I always wake up on time, doing nothing on the bed, kicking the quilt, toss about in bed. "Oh, mom and dad go to work early in the morning, the happy weekend become so lonely, so lonely."...... "Oh, it's a boring Sunday. It's a tragedy."."

  I stretch, opened the curtains, a plume of warm sunshine at me. Suddenly a knock on the door came to me, I opened the door, a look at the father. Father said: "son, quick change clothes. Today, Dad took you to a good day." When my father's big hand holding my hand, I feel very warm. We came to the park, the park today is very lively, as if for my father and I do welcome. Dad suddenly took me to the place where the sugar, I turned one, my father to a. Finally I go to a big dragonfly, daddy, daddy stroked my head and said: "I am better than you you." All of a sudden, I think my father is like a child. Chew sugar daddy, said: "why don't we go to climb the tower uptrend." I nodded my head. My father and I climbed the uptrend in the tower top, chatting thing in life anecdotes and distress, in study and work, dad like friends generally the his experience without reservation to tell you.

  When we came to the square, I saw a lot of people drawing pictures. Dad pulled my clothes, said: "my son, or we go to play that?" I said, "this is a long time." Dad said, "take this thing as a souvenir." I chose a pleasant goat. My father and I go painting after painting, my stomach growled. Father said: "we have to go to the country." I thought Dad took me to eat hot pot. I didn't think Dad would take me to the country. We ordered a good meal and ate it, and the father, from the future, seemed more familiar to me than I was. When my father ate, there was a rice on his nose. I almost choked with laughter...... This weekend is spent in laughter.

  This weekend, I not only gain a happy, this time let me and my father, the distance between the closer, let me feel the father's love. I really happy this weekend!


  1、Life is a journey to experience to learn and to enjoy.


  2、life to learn to enjoy: enjoy working happy laughter, enjoy friends, enjoy the warmth of family, enjoy the joy to create, enjoy the sweet fruit.


  3、With the friends there are always laughs and shared happy moments, the friends are like the small drops of water of the morning dew, where the heart is it and freshens up.


  4、Life is a chain of moments of enjoyments; not only about survival.


  5、Health is certainly more valuable than money,because it is by health that money is procured.


  6、life is a song, sing the life rhythm and melody; Life is a road, extend the footprint of the life and hope; Life is a cup of wine, full of life and mellow sorrow; Life is a mass of linen, interweaving the trouble with life and happy; Life is a picture, and describes the life experience of red, green, blue; Life is a fire, burning vision of life and to dream.


  7、Without music, life is a journey through a desert.


  8、Peel a fig for your friend, a peach for your enemy.


  9、If life is a quilt, then love should be a thread.

  假如生活就像一床被子, 那麼愛就是其中的線。

  10、Life is a short journey from birth to death.


  11、Life is a chess game while happiness is devotion.


  12、Faults are thick where love is thin. --Howell


  13、Life is a flower, and love is the honey of the flower.


  14、Love me, love my dog. --St·Bernard


  15、Life is a festival only to the wise.


  16、Love begets love. --Herrick


  17、Love and a cough cannot be hid.


  18、Love asks faith, and faith asks firmness. --Herber


  19、Point to Ponder: Life is a test and a trust.


  20、Life is a mystery to solve not a problem to resolve.
