



  you should be careful all false knowledge, it is more dangerous than ignorance。 -- Bernard Shaw


  Books are a summary of human knowledge。 Nutrition books in the world。 -- Shakespeare


  The nature of reading and fill the shortage of experience and fill the shortage of reading。 -- Bacon


  Reading does not taste, as it's a silly fish beam; for example, all the food dregs。 -- Yuan Mu


  A hard-working day, can sleep in the night; industrious life, a happy death。 -- Da Finch。


  Instead of decorating yourself with a fancy dress, you use your knowledge to arm yourself。 -- Marx


  Reading such as eating, good to eat the spirit of the long, not good to eat long disease。 -- Yuan Mu


  The night, is the man。 Energy-saving, white square regret reading! -- Yan Zhenqing


  Reading a little, thinking of the unknown; enough has not learned, not only to learn from。 -- Han Yu


  Reading books is death to others, an opening to harm; but not reading is not necessarily good。 -- Lu Xun


  The first reading is a serious illness, Kung Fu in dense uninterrupted, not in speed。 -- Lu Long


  There is no law to study, but he is an open mind, repeated in detail to play, for the active ear。 -- Zhu Xi


  I always read less is expensive, never too much。 Not afraid of reading less, I remember。 -- Xu Teli


  A good book is like a boat, which leads us from a narrow place to an infinite living sea。 -- Keller


  Stupid things, in reading a good book every day, like cooking on the fire, slowly melting。 -- Hugo


  Like reading, it is equal to the life of the lonely boring time to enjoy a great moment。 -- Montesquieu



  Learn this matter do not care if you have no one to teach you, the most important thing is that you have no consciousness and perseverance。 -- Farber


  The task of ordinary youth, in particular the Communist Youth League and other tasks, can be used in a sentence to express, is to learn。 -- Lenin


  A love of reading, he is not due to the lack of a faithful friend, a good teacher, a lovely partner, a warm comfort。 -- - barrow


  The more books you read, the more you will feel you know。 And when you read more, the more you know, the more you know you know。 -- Voltaire


  There are three ways to read: one is to read and not to read, the other is to read and understand, and one is to read and understand what is not in the book。 -- Kya


  At any time, I will not meet, the more reading, the more deeply felt not satisfied, the more feel their knowledge is poor。 Science is extre mely subtle。 -- Marx


  Reading beliefs cannot be without thinking, to boldly put forward the question, the diligent excerpts from data, data analysis, find out the mutual relationship, is a method of learning。 -- Gu Jiegang


  When reading to think more about。 Read only and do not want to, it may become a slave to repeat word for word what others say, the book received little or gain a superficial understanding through cursory observation,。 -- Wang Zikun


  Reading is my only pleasure。 I don't waste my time in the hotel, gambling or any kind of bad game; and I for the diligence of the business is still in accordance with the necessary, tireless patience. -- Franklin


  Only in the letters, words, and the text of the book. Reading and memorizing -- not reading. You should feel, to have a sense of beauty, for others to mastery, invaluable advice, and make them. -- Ba Jin


  Not afraid, not afraid to drill。


  Time is the capital of the brain。



  Books introduce us into the best society, which makes us realize the great wisdom of all ages。 -- Shimeiersi


  I read more books, and makes me closer to my world, life becomes more bright and meaningful。 - Golgi


  Reading such as diet, calmly chewing, the taste will be long; on the big mouth, not like the end。 -- Zhu Xi


  Reading people do not have knowledge, real knowledge is to know the knowledge, thinking, can work。 -- Xu Teli


  Reading is the best study, followed by the idea of the great people, is full of interesting things ah。 -- Pushkin


  Education! Science! To study, to study, is to light the torch; each syllable of each word is transmitted to Mars。 -- Hugo


  Reading can cultivate a perfect conversation, can train a ready man, and writing an exact man can create。 -- Bacon


  When I study, I wish to stay in front of every good idea, just like in front of every truth to stay。 -- Emerson


  Reading is the best study。 The idea of following a great man is one of the most interesting and interesting science。 -- Pushkin


  To learn to read, you must first read very slowly, until finally you worth reading a book, or should read very slowly。 -- facci


  Books - through the heart of the world's observation window。 There is no book in the house as if there were no windows in the room。 -- Wilson


  Learning knowledge should be good at thinking, thinking, thinking, I just rely on this method to become a scientist。 -- Einstein
