


  A rich American went to Paris and bought a picture painted by a French artist. The American thought the picture to be very fine because he __1 a lot of money for it. When he came to his hotel he wanted to hang the 2 up on the wall. He 3 it for a long time, but couldn’t __4_ which was the top and which was the bottom***底部*** .The American __5 the picture this way and 6 , but still couldn’t 7 .

  So he had 8 . He 9 the picture in the dining room and invited the painter of the picture to 10 . When the painter came, the American said 11 to him about the picture. 12 they went into the dining room to have dinner. He looked 13 at the picture several times. Then he put on his 14 and looked at the picture again and again. At last he 15 that the picture was up side down.


  1. A. cost B. spent C. paid D. took

  2. A. map B. cap C. picture D. kite

  3. A. looked after B. looked at

  C. looked for D. looked up

  4. A. tell B. say C. talk D. speak

  5. A. painted B. turned C. used D. wrote

  6. A. that B. it C. one D. another

  7. A. see B. read C. decide D. look

  8. A. a way B. a pen C. a road D. an idea

  9. A. put B. hung C. stopped D. lent

  10. A. tea B. rice C. bread D. dinner

  11. A. nothing B. something C. hello D. sorry

  12. A. At first B. At last C. At once D. at all

  13. A. heavily B. loudly C. straight D. carefully

  14. A. glasses B. coat C. trousers D. hat

  15. A. watched B. understood C. sat D. opened


  1. C。上文說:他認為這畫很好。 推斷下文:因為他買這畫付了許多錢。句中的介詞for是個重要提示。

  2. C。上文說:那美國人買了畫。推斷下文: 回到旅館,當然要把畫掛起來欣賞。

  3. B。意思說“他看了好長時間,還是分不清上下”。

  4. A。短文最後一句說:畫被掛倒了。 推斷此句:因此,那美國人辨別不出哪邊是畫的頂部, 哪邊是畫的底部。

  5. B。由於上下不分,所以那美國人就把畫反覆顛倒看。

  6. A。句中的this是個重要提示。

  7. C。儘管顛來倒去,還是不能斷定上下。

  8. D。他最後想出了辦法。

  9. B。他先在餐廳掛上畫。

  10. D。接上文***他在餐廳中掛了那副畫***可推斷下文: 美國人邀請畫家來進餐。

  11. A。美國人邀請畫家的目的是:看畫家本人有什麼反應。 因此,對那副畫他一言不發。

  12. A。首先他們進入餐廳吃晚飯。 下文中的短語 At last是個重要提示。

  13. C。look straight at 表示“盯著……看”。

  14. A。畫家也被搞糊塗了,他戴上眼鏡並將畫看了又看。

  15. B。他終於明白了那畫被掛到了。