


  ★ rouse


  【例1】By the latter part of the thirteenth century, Europe was only beginning to rouse from its intellectual stupor.直到十三世紀後半葉,歐洲才剛剛從智力的麻木中醒過來。

  【例2】The speaker was trying to rouse the audience to enthusiasm.那位演講者正設法激起聽眾的熱情。

  【同義替換】wake, arouse

  【派生】rousing a.充滿活力的;激勵人的

  ★ attempt



  【例】They are attempting to climb the steepest part of the mountain.他們努力攀登這座山最陡的部分。


  【同義替換】try, essay, seek

  【派生】attemptable a.可以嘗試的

  【真題】Their methods do not attempt to estimate the actual biomass ***the amount of living biological matter*** of fish species in particular parts of the ocean, but rather changes in that biomass over time.他們的方法並非試圖去估算在海洋中的某些特定部分的魚類的實際數量,而是估算隨著時間推移魚類數量的改變。

  ★ depict


  【例】That gentleman was depicted as an intelligent and dignified businessman。那位紳士被描繪成一個精明又威嚴的商人。


  【同義替換】portray, describe, delineate, represent

  【派生】depiction n.描繪;描寫 depictive a.描繪的;描寫的

  【真題】After all, what is the one modern form of expression almost completely dedicated to depicting happiness?那麼,幾乎完全致力於描繪幸福的現代表達方式究竟是什麼呢?

  ★ dynamic


  【例】My boss is a man of dynamic personalities.我老闆是個精力充沛的人。


  【派生】dynamically ad.充滿活力地 dynamics n.動力學,力學

  【真題】 “While we know how to tell a robot to handle a specific error,” says Dave Lavery, manager of a robotics program at NASA, “we can’t yet give a robot enough ‘common sense’ to reliably interact with a dynamic world.”“雖然我們知道如何讓機器人去糾正一個特定的錯誤,”NASA的一個機器人專案經理戴維·拉維裡說,“我們仍然不能賦予機器人以足夠的‘常識’,使它們能夠與動態的世界進行可靠的交流。”

  ★ stamp



  【例1】Your stamp of impatience won’t give me a scare.你那不耐煩的跺腳嚇不了我。

  【例2】Could I get your stamp of approval on this project?我能請您在這個計劃上認可蓋章嗎?

  【同義替換】symbol, impression, print, seal

  ★ vanity


  【例】Most leader’s vanity causes them to exaggerate their own significance.絕大多數領導人出於虛榮心往往喜歡誇大他們自己的重要地位。

  ★ bizarre


  【例】The plot of the novel was too bizarre to be believed.這部小說的情節太離奇了,簡直令人難以置信。

  【同義替換】fantastic, funny

  【真題】Other linguists in the earlier part of this century, however, who were less eager to deal with bizarre data from “exotic” language, were not always so grateful.然而,本世紀初期的其他語言學家並不熱衷於處理來自異域語言的怪異資料,因此***對先驅***並不懷感激之情。

  ★ predecessor


  【例】This question will give us a good deal of less trouble than its predecessor.這個問題比之前一個問題帶給我們的麻煩要少得多。


  ★ systematic


  【例1】Experienced observers concentrate on systematic investigations.有經驗的觀測者致力於系統的研究。

  【例2】Experience has clearly shown that the existing process of law cannot overcome systematic and ingenious discrimination.經驗清楚地表明,現行法律程式不可能消除這種蓄意的處心積慮的歧視。

  【同義替換】orderly, methodical

  【派生】system n.系統,體系;制度:方法,方式 systematically ad.系統地 systemize v.***使***系統化或有條理;***使***成制度或體系 systemization n.系統化,條理化

  ★ bear



  【例1】The pain was almost more than he could bear.這樣的痛苦幾乎使他受不了。

  【例2】He is not the kind of person to bear anyone a grudge.他不是那種愛記仇的人。

  【同義替換】tolerate, stand

  【派生】bearish a.脾氣壞的,粗暴的 bearable a.可忍受的,經得住的

  【真題】Nonstop waves of immigrants played a role, too—and so did bigger crops of babies as yesterday’s “baby room” generation reached its child-bearing years.不斷湧入的移民[微博]潮,還有以前“生育高峰”出生的那些孩子也已到了生育年齡,這些都對***人口增長***發揮著作用。