


  So what constitutes emotional maturity, and thus adulthood? Here are 20 defining characteristics of a true adult:


  1. Realizing that maturity is an ongoing process, not a state, and continuously striving for self improvement.


  2. Able to manage personal jealousy and feelings of envy.


  3. Has the ability to listen to and evaluate the viewpoints of others.


  4. Maintains patience and flexibility on a daily basis.


  5. Accepts the fact that you can’t always win, and learns from mistakes instead of whining about the outcome.


  6. Does not overanalyze negative points, but instead looks for the positive points in the subject being analyzed.


  7. Is able to differentiate between rational decision making and emotional impulse.


  8. Understands that no skill or talent can overshadow the act of preparation.


  9. Capable of managing temper and anger.


  10. Keeps other people’s feeling in mind and limits selfishness.


  11. Being able to distinguish between ‘needs’ and ‘wants’.


  12. Shows confidence without being overly arrogant.


  13. Handles pressure with self composure.


  14. Takes ownership and responsibility of personal actions.


  15. Manages personal fears.


  16. Able to see the various shades of grey between the extremes of black and white in every situation.


  17. Accepts negative feedback as a tool for self improvement.


  18. Aware of personal insecurities and self-esteem.


  19. Able to separate true love from transitory infatuation.


  20. Understanding that open communication is the key to progression.


  Above all, true adults do what they have to do when it is required of them, and they do what they want when they can. They are able to distinguish between the two and manage their time and efforts accordingly.



  澳洲天主教大學 Australian Catholic University

  邦德大學 Bond University

  中央昆士蘭大學 Central Queensland University

  查爾斯特大學 Charles Sturt University

  科廷科技大學 Curtin University of Technology

  迪肯大學 Deakin University

  埃迪科文大學 Edith Cowan University

  弗林德斯大學 Flinders University

  格里菲斯大學 Griffith University

  拉籌伯大學 La Trobe University

  悉尼麥考瑞大學 Macquarie University, Sydney

  莫那什大學 Monash University

  莫道克大學 Murdoch University

  北領地大學 Northern Territory University

  昆士蘭理工大學 Queensland University of Technology

  墨爾本皇家理工學院 Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

  南十字星大學 Southern Cross University

  斯溫伯爾尼工業大學 Swinburne University of Technology

  澳大利亞國立大學 The Australian National University

  塔斯馬尼亞大學 The Tasmania University

  阿德雷德大學 The University of Adelaide

  墨爾本大學 The University of Melbourne

  新英格蘭大學 The University of New England

  紐卡素大學 The University of Newcastle

  聖母大學 The University of Notre Dame

  昆士蘭大學 The University of Queensland

  悉尼大學 The University of Sydney

  西悉尼大學 The University of West Sydney

  西澳大利亞大學 The University of Western Australia

  巴里迪大學 University of Ballarat

  堪培拉大學 University of Canberra

  新南威爾士大學 University of New South Wales

  南澳大學 University of South Australia

  南昆士蘭大學 University of Southern Queensland

  悉尼科技大學 University of Technology, Sydney

  臥龍崗大學 University of Wollongong

  維多利亞科技大學 Victoria University of Technology

  悉尼大學 The University of West Sydney

  西澳大利亞大學 The University of Western Australia

  巴里迪大學 University of Ballarat

  堪培拉大學 University of Canberra

  新南威爾士大學 University of New South Wales

  南澳大學 University of South Australia

  南昆士蘭大學 University of Southern Queensland

  悉尼科技大學 University of Technology,Sydney

  臥龍崗大學 University of Wollongong

  維多利亞科技大學 Victoria University of Technology