
  離別對於愛情,就像風對於火一樣:它熄滅了火星,但卻能煽起狂焰。 Absence is to love what wind is to fire, it goes out to Mars, but up flames.你還知道哪些嗎?下面是小編為大家準備的一些,歡迎大家參閱,希望大家喜歡。



  Love without words for the media, all in the message.


  Some marks, printed on the wall, printed in the fingers, with the passage of time gradually disappear; there are some marks, printed in the pupil, printed on the apex, the longer the more profound


  I have kindled the flame of love, why are you still cold as ice, when I give care and passion, why was the moment you disappeared, I pay is not enough, or you don't? Why should always be in two days of ice and fire?


  Others laugh at you, but you can only smile innocently


  Love is sweet in love when love turned into a solemn pledge of love, life and everything in the light, love is hard to understand.


  Look like water, reflected the window of stars. The stars blurred, flashing in faint clouds faint. The air was filled with the scent of you. You are my life can not forget the dream, no interpretation of love.


  Lovelorn, raised his head, the sky is a small bubble



  Love is a wonderful thing, sometimes you will be happy because of its existence, but you will be in deep distress because of its existence


  There are things we can't control, so we have to control ourselves


  A lot of things, I do not do not know, do not care, just do not want to haggle over, do not want to expose you


  There is always a person, no matter how they will choose to forgive


  Why we are familiar with each other, each other is just a moment, are like strangers, even a simple greeting, I also look forward to!


  Love in the heart BaiZhuanQianHui, want to see you again, let me know your heart is feeling, our love is not in vain, until the last day of your life and I deeply miss!


  Want to say what must, heart feeling infinite, how a "love" can express; willing to accompany you for life, regardless of wind and rain.


  I always want you, without you I can not eat, sleep well, where are you!


  In this way, since the landscape does not meet


  I want to do forever do not eat fat chowhound.


  There is no right or wrong, only value and not worth. Love is a kind of meet, some people in the wrong time to meet, can only pass by, become a kind of regret



  I saw thee weep - and the great crystal tears welled up in your blue eyes, and I thought there was a drop of dew on the violet


  The most precious possession that ever comes to a man in this world is a woman's heart


  Love each other, but do not have sex in the tether.


  Even if a person is good, but do not want to go with you, then he is passing


  Love is a piece of white paper, and pay, care, and even wounds, is red, is the theme of love


  I smile, I hope you give me a smile; I am good to you, I hope you are good to me; I love, but also hope to get your love. I am not a great man, just give, do not return, I am sorry I can not do


  Read it and you owe me a hug; delete it owes me a kiss; save it owe me an appointment; if you owe me all; if not, you are mine!


  The day you left, I decided not to tears, in other and not to blink of an eye.