




  After the founding of New China, the Chinese government has been devoted to improving the social status of females. After years of efforts, females have the power not to be ignored in every field of society. In recent years, a growing number of females take office in government departments, participating in more state affairs. According to statistics from a recent survey, about one in three of mid to high-level enterprise managers are female. In addition, females are also playing an increasingly important role in the family decision-making.

  1.翻譯第2句“……女性群體在社會各個領域產生了不可忽視的力量”時,先譯出主幹***females have the power***,再插入其他成分。“不可忽視的”處理為後置定語,既可用定語從句that cannot be ignored,也可用不定式短語not to be ignored來表達。狀語“在社會各個領域”譯作in every/each field of society,置於句末。

  2.第3句中的“越來越多的女性……任職,參與的......活動也明顯增多”可用並列結構譯出a growing number of females take office... and participate in...。但不如把後半句“參與的......”處理成前半句的結果狀語,用現在分詞短語participating in...來表達,使譯文更具有邏輯性。

  3.第4句中的“最近的一份調查資料顯示”可表達為according to statistics from a recent survey,也可表達為 statistics form a recent survey showed that...。“每3位”可表達為 one in three,也可表達為 one out of three,還可延伸譯作one third of。

  4.最後一句中的“越來越重要的”有多種譯法:more and more important; increasingly important; growingly important,狀語“在家庭決策中”表達為 in the family decision-making,置於句末。


  太極拳***Taijiquan***是中華民族的寶貴財富,是東方文化的重要組成部分。作為中國古老的武術***maritialarts***之一。其主要功能是武術攻防、鍛鍊身體和修身養性***self-cultivation ***。太極拳在演練時,動作柔緩,但能以突然爆發的力量將對手擊退。經過幾個世紀的發展,太極拳已發展為多個分支,每個分支都有自己的特點。如今,太極拳在中國乃至世界受到越來越多人歡迎。


  Tajiquan is precious wealth of Chinese nation and an important part of the eastern culture. As one of the ancient martial arts in China, it is usually used for attacking and defending, body building and self-cultivation. When Tajiquan is being practiced, the movements are gentle and slow, which, however, can defeat the opponent with sudden strength. Through centuries of development, Taijiquan has developed into several branches, and everyone has its features. Now Tajiquan has become increasingly popular both in China and abroad.

  1.第1句可譯為並列結構Taijiquan is precious wealth... and an important part...,系動詞“是”***is***只需譯出一個。

  2.第2句中的“其主要功能是”可直譯為its main functions are to...,但稍顯生硬,宜轉述為“它通常用於”***it is usually used for...***。“攻防”在中文裡是一個詞,但實際包含了兩層意思,故分譯為attacking and defending;同理,第3句的“柔緩”譯為gentle and slow。

  3.第3句中的“太極拳在演練時”實為被動句,“太極拳”為受動者,故譯作When Taijiquan is being practice...。“但能以突然爆發的力量......”處理為which引導的非限制性定語從句which,however, can defeat。“突然爆發的力量”可譯為sudden strength或sudden force,因為sudden已包含有“突然爆發”的意思,故“爆發”一詞不需再譯。

  4.最後一句中的“在中國乃至世界受到越來越多人歡迎”,除譯文外,還可以有多種譯法,如is welcomed by more and more people both in China and overseas;is accepted by more and more people in China and the world as well。