


  Ⅰ. 根據句意及首字母提示完成單詞***5分***

  1. Japan is an A________ country.

  2. Everyone shouldn’t talk loudly in p________ places.

  3. He c________ a lot last night. I guess he must have caught a cold.

  4. Swimming is not a________ in this lake.

  5. The teacher was very angry because they b________ the window yesterday afternoon.

  Ⅱ. 用所給詞的適當形式填空***5分***

  1. My mother allows me ________ ***play*** computer games once a week.

  2. He was ill. He felt very ________ ***comfortable***.

  3. I think people don’t like to be ________ ***criticize***.

  4. Please give me some ________ ***suggest*** about learning English.

  5. “Etiquette”means normal and polite social ________ ***behave***.

  Ⅲ. 單項選擇***10分***

  1. You should ________ not to make noise when you have dinner with others.

  A. take care of B. care for

  C. look after D. take care

  2. Mother doesn’t allow me ________ before I finish my homework.

  A. to watch TV B. watching TV

  C. watches TV D. watch TV

  3. Our teacher’s ________ is very beautiful and sweet; we all like her lessons.

  A. sound    B. voice    C. noise    D. noises

  4. Every one in our school will ________ if she or he sees litter in our school yard.

  A. pick up it B. pick them up

  C. pick it up D. pick up them

  5. You’d better ________ loudly in public places.

  A. cough B. not cough

  C. coughing D. to cough

  Ⅳ. 完成句子***10分***

  1. Would you ________ ***介意降低一下您的聲音嗎***? We are at a meeting.

  2. You should ________ ***儘量小心點*** when you are talking to strange people.

  3. Our head teacher is serious. He never ________ ***允許我們違反校規***.

  4. Could you please ________ ***熄滅你的香菸***? There are some babies.

  5. The boy ________ ***撿起*** the hat for the old man.

  Ⅴ. 補全對話***10分***


  A. Thank you very much

  B. Can you help me

  C. What gifts shall I take

  D. I’m supposed to get there

  E. What time am I supposed to leave

  F. Of course not

  G. What am I supposed to say

  A: Excuse me. Would you mind helping me?

  B:  1 . What’s up?

  A: One of my American friends invited me to her house on Christmas Day, but I don’t know much about the customs and manners.  2 ?

  B: Sure. When are you supposed to get there?

  A:  3  at 11: 00 a. m. .

  B: Well, the first thing is that you should get there on time.

  A: All right.  4 ?

  B: You are supposed to say “Merry Christmas. ”

  A: OK.  5 .

  1. _________ 2. _________ 3. _________ 4. _________ 5. _________

  Ⅵ. 任務型閱讀***10分***

  From Your Voice

  Here is www. Fyv. com. You must meet with some unpleasant things in your life, and you don’t know how to work them out. If so, you can click our website www. Fyv. com. You can write them down. Let’s find the solutions, OK?

  Problems Solutions

  Some people always smoke in public places. You could say politely,“Excuse me, could you please put out your cigarette? ”

  The number 16 bus is always late. Call the bus company.

  Some people always drop litter everywhere in our community ***社群***. Put up some posters to warn. And if someone is found dropping litter, punish him badly.

  Some students talk loudly in the library.  1

  My parents don’t allow me to go out to play, even at weekends. They hope I stay at home and study. Tell your parents that you need to relax after studying for a long time or ask your teacher for help.


  1. If some students talk loudly in the library, what should you do?


  2. “From Your Voice”here means “______________”in Chinese.

  3. 把文中畫線句子翻譯成漢語。


  4. We can see _______ problems on the website.

  5. _______________ bus is always late. So you can call the bus company.


  Ⅰ. 答案:1. Asian  2. public  3. coughed  4. allowed  5. broke

  Ⅱ. 答案:1. to play  2. uncomfortable  3. criticized  4. suggestions

  5. behavior

  Ⅲ. 答案:1~5. DABCB

  Ⅳ. 答案: 1. mind turning down your voice

  2. try to take care

  3. allows us to break the school rules

  4. put out your cigarette  5. picked up

  Ⅴ. 答案:1~5. FBDGA

  Ⅵ. 答案:1. If it happens, I will talk to them politely, “Excuse me, would you mind not talking so loudly here? ”

  2. 傾聽你的聲音

  3. 告訴你的父母長時間學習後你需要休息,或者請你的老師幫忙。

  4. five

  5. The number 16