



  Ⅴ. 書寫: ***共10分***

  1*** 字母書寫:寫出下列字母對應的大小寫。***每個字母1分,共5分***

  K M r y D



  Here is a present for you.



  家庭成員:______ ______ ______ _____

  動 物:_______ ______ _______

  地 點:_______ ______ _______


  Today is a sunny day. I am going to the park _________ my father. Look! There ________ a boat _________ the lake. There ________ many trees _____ the park. They are very nice. Look! There are flowers in the grass. I like flowers. They are pretty.

  Ⅷ. 情景對話:***每題2分,共10分***

  *** ***1、當我們不知道性別時,我們會問:

  A、Man or woman?

  B、Boy or man?

  C、Boy and girl?

  *** ***2、祝福別人聖誕快樂,我們常說:

  A、Happy birthday.

  B、Merry Christmas.

  C、Happy holidays.

  *** ***3、當得到別人的幫助時我們會說:

  A、Thank you.

  B、I`m sorry.

  C、That`s OK.

  *** ***4、朋友帶來個陌生人,我們會問:

  A. Who is she?

  B、What is he?

  C、What is this?

  *** ***5、祝福別人新年快樂,應該說:

  A. Nice to see you.

  B、How are you?

  C、Happy New Year.

  Ⅹ. 閱讀理解:讀短文,判斷對錯,對的用T表示,錯的用F表示。***每題2分,共10分***

  This is my friend, Bill. He is eight years old. Today is his birthday. We have some cake on his birthday. He also gets some presents on his party. He says “Thank you!”to all his friends. On Christmas Day they can look at the Christmas tree and say “Merry Christmas” to each other. And on New Year’s Day they can say “Happy New Year” to each other.

  *** ***1. Bill is eight years old.

  *** ***2. We have some water on his birthday.

  *** ***3. On Christmas, we say “Merry Christmas”.

  *** ***4. On New Year’s Day, we can look at the Christmas tree.

  *** ***5. Today is my birthday.



  一、 補全單詞,選出所缺字母,把序號寫在括號裡。10分

  *** ***1.b__dy***身體*** A. o B. a

  *** ***2.f_ _ t***腳*** A. ee B. oo

  *** ***3. h_ _t***受傷的*** A. ar B. ur

  *** ***4. to_ _ to***西紅柿*** A. ta B.ma

  *** ***5. br_ _ d***麵包*** A.ea B. rr

  *** ***6. sch_ _ l***學校*** A. ee B. oo

  *** ***7. h_ _d***頭*** A. ar B.ea

  *** ***8. matt_ _***事情*** A.en B.er

  *** ***9. b_ d***不好的*** A. a B. e

  *** ***10.cla_ _***班級*** A.ss B. rr


  *** *** 1. A.tiger B.milk C.bird D. cat

  *** *** 2. A.red B. yellow C. head D. orange

  *** *** 3. A.green B.yellow C. white D.water

  *** *** 4. A.animal B.dog C.monkey D. bear

  *** *** 5. A.crayon B.eraser C.pencil D.cat

  *** *** 6. A.arm B.leg C. fish D. eye

  *** *** 7. A.cat B.egg C.apple D.rice

  三. 選擇題,讀下列句子,將正確序號填在題前的括號裡。***10分***

  *** ***1.It has a________ tail. A. long B. old C. arm

  *** ***2. What do you want _____ dinner ? A. to B. at C. for

  *** ***3. My ____ birthday is in August. A. mom's B. mom C. dad

  *** ***4. I am 8 ______old.I can do my homework.

  A. year B. year's C. years

  *** ***5. I’m _____ Class 2. A. An B. a C. In

  *** ***6. I have _____hair. A.small B.long C.big

  *** ***7. _____ the matter . A. What’s B. How C. When

  *** ***8. My birthday is _____December. A. to B. in C. at

  *** ***9. I ____ a rabbit. A. have B. has C. it

  *** ***10.____give us wool.A.plants B.sheep

  四. 根據所給問句,選擇正確的答句,將序號填在題前的括號裡。***7分***

  1.*** ***What's your name? A. Yes,I do.

  2.*** ***How old are you ? B. I want some bread for breakfast.

  3.*** ***What should I wear in winter? C. My name is Fangfang.

  4.*** ***What's the matter? D. My birthday is in September.

  5.*** ***Do you have a pet? E.You should wear gloves in winter.

  6.*** ***When is your birthday? F. My foot hurts.

  7.*** ***What do you want for breakfast? G. I am 9 years old.

  五.選詞填空 ***10分***

  hand arm foot leg ear

  六 閱讀理解,判斷對錯,對的打“T”,錯的打“F”。***6分***

  Hello, my name is Binbin. I’m 9 years old. I am in Class 3 . My birthday is in December. My teacher***老師***is Ms Zhao. She***她*** has long hair and big eyes. I have a dog. It is white . It likes to eat***吃***meat.

  *** *** 1. Binbin is 9 years old.

  *** *** 2. Binbin’s birthday is in July.

  *** *** 3.Binbin’s teacher is Ms Li.

  *** *** 4.Binbin has a dog .

  *** *** 5.Ms Zhao has long hair and big eyes.

  *** *** 6.Binbin’s dog likes to eat rice.
