


  一、 寫出所給字母的前後字母的大小寫。5

  Dd Hh Kk

  Pp Tt

  二、 為下面的單詞選擇正確的英文,將其正確的序號填入括號內。10

   1.計算機 A. TV B. computer

   2.汽車 A. car B. plane

   3.圖畫 A. map B. picture

   4.容易的 A. easy B. hard

   5.游泳 A. run B. swim

   6.午飯 A. lunch B. Breakfast

   7.西紅柿 A. tomato B. potato

   8.商店 A. shop B. bookshop

   9.火車 A. car B. train

   10.回家 A. Go home B. Go to shool

  三、 選出下面句子中劃線單詞的漢語,將其正確的序號填入括號內。5

   1.I can see a blackboard .

  A. 教室 B. 黑板 C. 操場

   2.May I use your ruler ?

  A. 尺子 B. 橡皮 C. 鋼筆

   3.Can you play football ?

  A. 打籃球 B. 打乒乓球 C. 踢足球

   4.I’m from UK .

  A. 美國 B. 英國 C. 聯合國

   5.I’m writing an email to my mum.

  A. 寄 B. 寫 C.讀

  四、 把下面的英語短語和其漢語對應起來,,將其序號填入括號內。5

   1.our new classroom A.我們的新教室 B. 我們的新學校

   2.four monkeys A.兩隻猴子 B. 四隻猴子

   3.have a look at A. 看一看 B. 聽一聽

   4.winter camp A. 夏令營 B. 冬令營

   5.next year A. 去年 B.明年


   1.Would you like some water? A. Sure .Here you are .

   2.Thank you . B. No ,there isn’t.

   3.Where are you from? C. You are welcome .

   4.Is there a computer ? D. I’m from China .

   5.May I use your eraser ? E. Yes ,please .



  A. May I use your knife ? B. Do you have a ruler ?

   2.假如你是胖東來生活廣場的一名售貨員,你見到顧客,怎麼說 ?

  A. Can I help you ? B.What would you like ?


  A. You are welcome. B. Thank you ,too.


  A.What would you like ? B. Would you like some water?.


  A. What are you doing now ? B. What time is it now ?




  1. surprised, excited, angry __________

  2. markers, pencil, ruler __________

  3. yellow, pink, green __________

  4. jacket, overcoat, shirt __________

  5. forest, grassland, mountain __________


   1. ---Where he live? ---He lives on a farm.

  A. does B. do C. is

   2. ---What would you like to ______? ---I’d like some vegetables.

  A. to eat B. eating C. eat

   3. -- ___ is the cap? ---It’s five yuan.

  A. How many B. How much C. How old

   4. She is so ______ because her book is missing

  A. excited B. tired C. sad

   5. ---Would you please ______ the door?

  A. open B. to open C. opening


  A欄 B欄

   1. Where do you live? A. Fine. It’s snowing.

   2. Why are you worried? B. Because my cat is missing.

   3. Would you mind opening the door? C. Speaking.

   4. May I speak to Guoguo? D. I live in the forest.

   5.How’s the weather in Beijing? E. Sure. No problem.


  共10分, 每小題2分

  Look at Tom’s bedroom. It’s new and nice. A bed and a chair are in it. A desk is on the floor. Some flowers are on it. A bookshelf is behind the bed. Some English books are on the shelf. A picture is on the wall. Some people are in the picture. The man is his father. The woman is his mother. Who is the boy? Do you know?

  1.Whose room is it?

  A. Tom’s room B. Father’s room. C. Mother’s room

  2. Where are the flowers?

  A. On the floor. B. In the desk. C. On the desk.

  3. What’s on the shelf?

  A. Some Chinese books. B. Some math books. C. Some English books.

  4. Who is the woman?

  A. Tom B. Tom’s mother. C. Tom’s sister

  5. Who is the boy? It’s _______.

  A. Tom B. Mike C. David
