


  一、 將下列字母的大寫形式和小寫形式匹配***10分***

  1. B D P K G

  P g b d k

  2. A H E J C

  j c a h e


  *** ***1. orange A. 紅色 B.橙色 C.綠色

  *** ***2. nine A.八 B.九 C.十

  *** ***3. hand A.頭 B. 手 C. 腳

  *** ***4. teacher A. 醫生 B. 警察 C. 老師

  *** ***5. pencil A.鋼筆 B. 鉛筆 C.課本

  *** ***6. window A. 桌子 B. 椅子 C. 窗戶

  *** ***7. This is_____. A. desk B. hot C. tired

  *** ***8. Her hair is very____.

  A. little B. red C. happy

  *** ***9. I’m ten years____.

  A. young B. old C. looking

  *** ***10. We____ in Canada.

  A.is B. live C. family

  *** ***11. Where is my book? It’s_______ the desk.

  A. for B. on C. out

  *** ***12.你的好朋友過生日,你想祝她生日快樂,你應該說:

  A. Good morning! B. Good birthday to you!

  C. Happy birthday!

  *** ***13.當你想問別人“那是什麼顏色時?”你應該說:

  A. What’s this? B. Where is it?

  C. What colour is it?

  *** ***14.用英語怎麼說我們國家的名稱呢?

  A. Canada B. China C. English

  *** ***15.與“See you later.”意思相近的一句是:

  A. Thank you. B. Nice to meet you.

  C. Good bye.

  *** ***16.當你想讓別人關上窗戶時,你應該說:

  A. Hello B. Open the window C.Close the window

  *** ***17. — What’s the matter? — ____________

  A. She is my friend. B. My head hurts.

  C. My name is Peter.

  *** ***18. How do you feel?

  A.I feel tired. B. How are you?

  C. It’s very hot.

  *** ***19. 當你想問別人有多少書時,你應該說:

  A. How many pencils do you have ?

  B. How many books do you have ?

  C. How many books do you have ?

  *** ***20. — How are you? — ________.

  A. How are you? B. Fine, thanks.

  C. Thank you.


  1.Hi,Jenny. A. No, I have a headache.

  2.How are you? B. Yes, I’m very hot.

  3.May I have one book? C. My hair is black.

  4.Are you hot? D. His name is Jim.

  5.What colour is your hair? E.I feel sick.

  6.What’s this? F. I’m fine, thanks.

  7.What’s his name? G. It’s a cat.

  8.Are you okay? H. I’m nine years old.

  9.How old are you? I. His name is Jim.

  10.What’s the matter? J. Yes, please.


  red hand six desk apple ear chair book blue yellow head pencil pen one four leg marker three nose two







  1. nose 2. shoulder 3. hand 4. leg

  5. arm 6. knee 7. foot 8. stomach

  9. eye 10. head


  1. How you are old *** ? ***


  2. very I cold am *** . ***


  3. is colour it What *** ? ***


  4. my is doctor sister a *** . ***


  5. this Li Ming’s family is *** . ***





  1.ugly *** 醜陋的 漂亮的 ***

  2.big *** 大的 矮的 ***

  3.thin *** 胖的 瘦的 ***

  4.tall *** 高的 矮的***

  5.handsome*** 英俊的 可愛的 ***


  1. What does he look like? A. You too.

  2. Nice to meet you. B. I 'm going to the hospital.

  3. Where are you going? C. He is tall.

  4. Who is she? D. Nice to meet you, too.

  5. Happy New Year. E. She is my grandmother.


  Merry Christmas.

  Happy New Year.

  There is a hill in the park.

  Nice to meet you.

  I like trees.


  1.怎樣表達“他的名字是什麼?”:*** ***

  A.What's her name?

  B.What's his name?

  2.如何告訴別人“她是我的媽媽。”:*** ***

  A.She is my mother.

  B.He is my father.

  3.你想告訴別人“湖上有一條小船。”:*** ***

  A.There is a boat on the lake.

  B.There are flowers in the park.

  4.想問“是男孩還是女孩?”時:*** ***

  A.Is he a boy?

  B.Boy or girl?

  5.新年到了,你會對朋友們說:*** ***

  A.Happy New Year.

  B.Happy birthday.
