


  Christmas celebrates the birth of Christ, the Nativity of the babe in the manger whom Christians believe was the Son of God. Indeed, the very word Christmas means "Christ festival".


  Yet there can be little doubt that for many it is Santa Claus - not Jesus - who is the human face ofChristmas. In fact, it is fair to say that in much of the world, Santa is better known than the Christ who gave his name to the holiday.


  But how did the fat man in the Coca-Cola red-and-white suit become the symbol of Christmas? The truth is that like the Christmas story itself, the story of Saint Nicholas is a composite of history, myth, and legend.


  According to tradition, he was born in Asia Minor ***modern-day Turkey*** in about A.D. 270. When young, he traveled to Palestine and Egypt. Not long afterward, he became a bishop.


  During the Roman emperor Diocletian's bloody persecution of Christians in 303, Nicholas was imprisoned. Howeve r, when Constantine the Great became emperor in 306, he legalized Christianity and made it the officalreligion of the Roman Empire. Nicholas was freed

  公元3 03年,在羅馬皇帝戴克裡血腥迫害基督徒期間,尼古拉被捕入獄。然而,公元306年君士坦丁大帝登基稱帝,他使基督教合法化,並


  The scribes tell us that Nicholas's prayers and leadership during the great tribulation led many to become Christians, Nicholas continued to serve as bishop for many years. On December 6, 343, Nicholas the man died, and Saint Nicholas the legend was born.


  During his lifetime, Nicholas's reputation for generosity and kindness gave rise to stories of miracles he performed for the poor, the weak and children. After his death, devotion to Nicholas extended to all parts of Europe. His feast day was celebrated on December 6, but his reputation as a gift-giver later became attached to the celebration of Christmas on December 25.


  After the Reformation in the 16th century, Nicholas's cult disappeared in most Protestant countries of Europe. But his legend was united with old Nordic folktales of a magician who punished naughty children and rewarded good children with presents. In England, he became known as FatherChristmas. But in Holland, Saint Nicholas' name and reputation persisted as "sinterklaas".


  In the 17th century , Dutch colorusts took this tradition with them to America. Later, Sinterklaas was adopted by the English-speaking majority as¨Santa Claus". The resulting image of a "jolly old elf' driving a sleigh with "eight tiny reindeef' crystallized in the 19th century . That was when Clement Moore wrote the now-famous poem "A Visit From Saint Nick. And the red-and-white suit? That was created by a Coca-Cola adman in the 1930s.

  17世紀,荷蘭的殖民者將這個傳統帶到美洲。後來.“Sinterklaas”為多數說英語的人民所採用,並改成了“Santa Claus”,他最後的形象——“快樂的老矮”駕著“八隻小馴鹿”拉的雪橇—是在19世紀開始變得明確具體起來的。摩爾***Clement Moore***就在那時寫了《聖人尼克的來訪》這首聞名至今的詩。還有那件紅白套裝呢?那是在20世紀30年代,可口可樂公司的廣告商創造出來的。

  Although greatly commercialized, the modern Santa Claus still embodies Saint Nicholas' generosity and love for children. And for some, he still points to the Nativity of the babe in the manger, and reminds us of the reason we celebrate Christmas.



  Going to pubs is a very popular leisure-time activity . In a recent survey seven out often adults said they went to pubs, one third of them once a week or more often.


  Everywhere there are plenty of pubs, in which people play darts, talk and drink, usually while standing up. Every pub has its name, its sign and its "regulars", its customers who turn up night after night. A few old pubs have real character but many are dull and ugly. It seems that the English think it rather indecent for people to drink alcoholic drinks in any place where they can be seen from outside. So pubs usually not only have no tables outside, but are so built that it is impossible for people outside to see in,or for those who are inside to see out. There are exceptions to this, but not many.


  Types of pubs vary considerably from quiet, rural establishments with traditional games, such as skittles and dominoes, to city pubs where different sorts of entertainment such live music can often be found. The opening hours of pubs, which were previously strictly controlled, have been relaxed and many pubs now serve food as well as drink.


  The traditional pub was a place for the men only. But things have changed, and more and more pubs are now places where men and women sit at tables, and they often provide good lunches. Most of them have a public bar, where drinks are slightly cheaper, and a saloon bar, which middle-class people usually prefer because it is more comfortable and less crowded. Some

  pubs have become more welcoming to families with younger children than in the past, although children under fourteen are still not allowed in the bar.


  British drinking habits have changed with larger and continental beers now more popular thantraditional fonns of British beer. In cities,wine bars have appeared in competition with pubs. Although, in general,people in Britain now drink more than they used to, new typesof drinks such as alcohol-free beer and wine have appeared and there has been a general move to educate people more about the dangers of drinking too much.
