


  A love of sport has been characteristic in Highland and Lowlands alike. It is inherent in the Scottish character,Of all the games played in Scotland in days gone by, three stand out as claiming Scottish in character-golf, curling, and slunty, and of these golf has now achieved world-wide popularity.

  無論在蘇格蘭高地還是蘇格蘭低地,人們對體育的熱愛是一樣的,它已是蘇格蘭人內在性格的一部分。在英格蘭人過去所玩過的 遊戲中,有3種可以說是發源於此地,並具有典型的蘇格蘭特點——高爾夫球、冰上溜石遊戲和簡化曲滾球戲。在這3項運動當中,高爾夫球現已風靡全球。

  Of all Scottish golfing centres, St. Andrews is the shrine of golfing traditions.


  The kings and queen of Scotland themselves shared their people's enthusiasm for playing games. Mary Queen of Scots was accused by her enemies ofplaying golf shortly after her husband's murder.


  Curling is a game played on a sheet ofice, and Scotland has been its real home since the early part of the seventeenth century . In principle the game very much resembles bowls, but curling is played with heavy flat stones to slide along the ice.


  Like golf, curling can claim to be both Royal and ancient. Tradition has it that the Stuart Kings were curlers, and both Mary Queen of Scots and Damley are reputed to have played.


  Among games less widely popular, but still played with great enthusiasm, shinty is one of the most traditional. Played with a ball made of cork and leather, and a wooden club,'it used to be popular among all ages, particularly around the Christmas season, but now is usually indulged in only by the more youthful members ofthe community.


  Shinty is a fine free game, and the Scottish bag pipes play apicturesque part in the game, marching their teams on to the field of play and hailing their victories with piercmg blasts oftriumph.



  To the uninitiated, rugby is a game in which a bunch of powerfully built men throw themselves at one another in pursuit of an oval ball. In fact, this ancestor of modernAmerican and Canadian football can seem more like an organized brawl than a highly technical sport with a complex set of rules. Apart from its sometimes chaotic demeanor, rugby is also unusual among modern sports in that its origins can be traced back to a single, seminal event.

  在外行的眼中,橄欖球賽只不過是一大群身材健壯的男人相互衝撞推擠,為了一顆橢圓形的球你爭我奪的比賽。事實上,這個現代美國和加拿大地區足球的始祖,看起來更像是一場有組織的爭吵,而不像是遵循複雜規則、講究高度技巧的運動。 與其他現代運動相比較,橄欖球的不尋常之處,除了屢見不鮮的混亂場面之外,還在於它的起源,它可以追溯到某—重要的事件。

  In 1823, during a soccer game at the prestigious Rugby School in central England, one of the players impulsively picked up the ball and ran with it. The way soccer was played in those days, William Webb Ellis' rash action was practically suicidal. But his novel approach was taken up by other students, who went on to develop a new style of football. Known as Rugby football, it mainly involved throwing and running with the ball rather than kicking it.

  1823年,一場英格蘭中部享有盛名的拉格公學***Rugby School***舉行的足球賽中,一名球員一時衝動,把球拿起來帶著跑。以當時的足球玩法,威廉·韋伯·艾利斯的魯莽行動無疑是“自尋死路”。但他的這種新打法竟被其他學生接過來,繼而發展成一種新式的足球——被稱為橄欖球***Rugby football***,它以傳球和帶球跑為主,而不去踢球。

  The game grew in popularity, and in 1871, the Rugby Union was formed in London. It drew up the modern rules for a 15-a-side game using an oval ball. Nowadays, rugby is played in more than 80 countries around the world. As for William Webb Ellis, his spirit lives on. His name has been given to the trophy awarded to the winners of the quadrennial Rugby World Cup tournament.



  For young men in New Zealand, the pinnacle of sporting achievement is widely reckoned to be donning the famous black uniform of the nationalrugby team. Ever since 1905, when the first officially sanctioned New Zealand touring team swept aside all opposition on a tour of Britain, the fearsome All Blacks have retained an aura ofinvincibility that has rarely been overcome.

  對紐西蘭的年輕人來說,運動生涯的最高成就,就是能穿上那套出名的橄欖球國家代表隊的黑色制服。 自1905年第一支正式批准的紐西蘭代表隊遠征英國參加巡迴比賽並橫掃所有對手、大獲全勝以來,這支令人生畏的“全黑”就保持了幾乎不可戰勝的氣勢。

  Such is the reputation of the All Blacks that some believe they gain a psychological advantage over their opponents the moment they step out onto the playing field. If such an advantage really exists, it can only be enhanced when, as tradihon dictates, the team performs the celebrated haka before the match kicks off.


  Haka is the generic term for a traditional dance of the Maori people. Its connection with the game of rugby goes back to the late 19th century,when the New Zealand Native Team performed one on anunofficial tour of Bri.tain. Nowadays, the haka is still led by a player of Maori descent whenever and wherever the All Blacks take the field.


  While recent years have seen the All Blacks struggling to match their past successes, the emergence of skillful p_rofessionals such asTongan-bom winger Jonah Lomu ensures that the famous black jersey with the silver fem on the left breast is still able to instill awe in opponents and spectators alike.

  近幾年,“全黑隊”想努力恢復舊日榮光,球技超群的職業球員如湯加出生的側翼大將喬納-洛姆等的一一出現,可以保證這件著名的左胸前鑲有銀蕨 的黑色球衣還是能讓敵手膽戰心驚、讓觀眾肅然起敬的。