


  1.[2015·四川成都一診]Gone are the days we spent time fishing and swimming in the unpolluted river.

  答案:when 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語和賓語,且先行詞表時間,因此填關係副詞when。

  2.[2015·重慶一中一診]I'm glad to introduce Mr Smith to you, without consideration our project would have ended in failure.

  答案:whose 考查定語從句。從句中缺少定語,指代Mr Smith's,故填whose。

  3.[2015·福建畢業班質檢]Running Man is such a funny reality show has the gravity to pull you in front of your television.

  答案:as 考查定語從句,從句中缺少主語,並且先行詞由such來修飾,因此只能填關係代詞as。

  4.[2015·福建三校聯考]We expect you to become someone whom we'll feel very proud in the future.

  答案:of 考查“介詞+關係代詞”用法。根據從句中的結構和語義可知,此空格為介詞,與從句中的proud構成“be proud of”固定搭配,故填of。

  5.[2015·江蘇南京市鹽城市二模]As the dark horse, China's football team swept into the quarterfinals it lost to host country Australia.

  答案:where 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語和賓語,故填關係副詞,而本題中先行詞比較特殊,“quarterfinals”應視為地點對待,故應填關係副詞where。

  6.[2015·安徽合肥質檢一]The movie Pompeii came out this February, many people think brings a touching love story to the audience.

  答案:which 考查定語從句。從句中的“many people think”為插入語,將其刪除可看出從句中缺少主語,並且從句為非限制性定語從句,先行詞指物,故只能填which。

  7.[2015·福建泉州質檢]Jack was late for nearly two hours this morning, but he gave such important reasons he was excused.

  答案:that 考查狀語從句。從表面結構看此題與考查as引導的定語從句極為相似,但as是關係代詞,需從句中缺少主語或賓語,且先行詞有such修飾時使用,而本題中從句結構完整,故應考查“such...that...”結構。

  8.[2015·陝西寶雞一模]Students should involve themselves in community activities they can gain experience for growth.

  答案:where 考查定語從句。從句中不缺少主語或賓語,故填關係副詞,且先行詞activities看作地點,故填where。

  9.[2015·四川南充二診]It was in the small house was built with stones he spent his childhood.

  答案:which/that;that 考查定語從句與強調句型。分析句子結構可知,第一空為連詞引導定語從句修飾house,且從句中無主語,指物,故填that/which均可;第二空為強調句型中的that。

  10.[2015·四川綿陽二診]Is this museum the you visited last Friday?

  答案:one 考查代詞的用法。先將題目改為陳述句“this museum is you visited last Friday”可以發現you visited應作定語修飾空格,且從句中的visit後缺賓語,因此關係代詞省略,造成結構不清。很明顯主句中缺少的是先行詞代替this museum,故填one。

  11.[2015·陝西83中二模]As a student of Senior Three, he has very little free time he can spend developing his own interest.

  答案:that 考查定語從句用法。因從句中缺少spend的賓語,且先行詞表示的是物,有little修飾,故填that。

  12.[2015·浙江溫州二模] is often the case, some British people are not familiar with different cultures.

  答案:As 考查定語從句用法。從句位於主句之前,且從句中沒有主語,故應填關係代詞as。

  13.[2015·浙江溫州一模]Being younger and thinner, she can eat big hamburgers for supper, I have to give up in the interest of my weight.

  答案:which 考查定語從句用法。從句中缺少“give up”的賓語,且先行詞指物,故應填關係代詞,that只引導限定性定語從句,故答案是which。

  14.[2015·江西南昌三校聯考]—Where did you meet Mr Green?

  —It was in the hotel he stayed.

  答案:where 本題表面看考查強調句型,實為考查定語從句,通過問答形式把問題省略,即強調句型的後半部分內容已經省略,補充完整為:It was in the hotel where he stayed that I met Mr Green。

  15.[2015·北京豐臺區期末]His mother made Greg orange juice every day, would help his recovery.

  答案:which 考查定語從句用法。從句中缺少主語,並且先行詞指的是物,故應填關係代詞which。that不引導非限制性定語從句。

  Part .語篇語法填空***重點考查定語從句***

  [2015·唐山模擬]Have you ever asked yourself why children go to school? You will probably say 1 they go to learn languages, arithmetic, history, science and some other knowledge. That is quite true, 2 why do they learn these things?

  We send our children to school to prepare them for the time 3 they will be big and will have to work for themselves. Nearly everything 4 they study at school has some practical use in their life. But is that the only reason 5 they go to school?

  There is more in education than just learning facts. We go to school to learn how to learn, so 6 when we have left school we can continue to learn.

  A man 7 really knows how to learn will always be successful, 8 when he has to do something new, he will not only be able to do it well himself, he will also be able to teach others how to do it in the best way. The person 9 is uneducated, on the other hand, is either unable to do something new, or just does it badly. The purpose of schools, 10 , is not to teach languages, arithmetic, history, science,etc., but to teach pupils the way to learn.


  1.that 引導賓語從句,從句不缺少成分也不缺少意思,所以用連線詞that。

  2.but 因為前面有分號,所以是簡單句構成的句群,句子不缺少成分,根據意思用but。

  3.when 關係副詞引導定語從句,從句不缺少主語和表語,先行詞是the time,所以用when。

  4.that 引導定語從句,從句缺少study的賓語且先行詞是everything,所以用that。

  5.why 引導定語從句,從句不缺少成分,先行詞是“reason”,所以用why。

  6.that 引導目的狀語從句,根據句子之間的邏輯關係是“因此,所以”,構成so that。


  8.because 引導原因狀語從句,根據句子之間的邏輯關係是“因為”,所以用because。


  10.therefore 分析句子得知是簡單句,在主語和謂語之間,根據意思是“因此”,且前後有逗號,所以用therefore。


  1.[2015·浙江溫州一模]Mary wrote a letter to her parents, ***say*** she missed them and was studying hard.

  答案:saying 考查非謂語作狀語。其邏輯主語是Mary,兩者為主動關係,且“say”與“wrote”同時發生,故用現在分詞。

  2.[2015·安徽黃山質檢二] ***compete*** more effectively with others, more and more people equip themselves with a higher education.

  答案:To compete 考查非謂語作狀語。“compete”與邏輯主語“more and more people”之間為主動關係,根據語意可知此處作目的狀語,故填to compete。

  3.[2015·北京東城區一模]—Good news!There's a supermarket ***build*** in this area next month!

  —Cool!It will be convenient for us when it's open.

  答案:to be built 考查非謂語作定語。修飾supermarket與build之間為被動關係且next month暗示表示將要發生的事情,故填to be built。

  4.[2015·陝西83中二模] ***judge*** from his accent, he is from the south of China.

  答案:Judging 考查非謂語動詞的特殊用法。judging from“由……判斷”,故填judging。

  5.[2015·北京朝陽區一模]Oh!I can feel something ***climb*** up my leg!It must be an insect.

  答案:climbing 考查非謂語作賓補。其邏輯主語為something,兩者為主動關係,且根據語境可知climb正在發生,故填climbing。

  6.[2015·浙江溫州二模]This drug is less likely to cause side effects when ***take*** late in the day.

  答案:taken 考查“連詞+非謂語”作狀語。其邏輯主語是“this drug”兩者之間為被動關係,故填taken。

  7.[2015·北京石景山一模]We are eager to see concrete measures against smog ***take*** in the near future.

  答案:taken 考查非謂語作賓補。“see+賓語+賓補”結構,“measures”與“take”之間為被動關係,故填taken。

  8.[2015·安徽合肥質檢二] ***amaze*** at his final score, he decided to treat himself to a big dinner.

  答案:Amazed 考查非謂語作狀語。其邏輯主語為“he”,兩者從漢語理解上為主動關係,而賓語結構應是“be amazed at”,即為被動關係,故填Amazed,這是考生易出錯的型別。

  9.[2015·陝西西工大附中四模]He ***addict*** to computer games, his parents were very worried about his future.

  答案:addicted 考查非謂語作狀語。addict的邏輯主語是“he”而不是“his parents”,所以該題為獨立主格結構,“he”與“addict”之間為被動***漢語理解為主動***。

  10.[2015·北京西城區期末]In Singapore, people ***catch*** eating or drinking on the subway can be fined up to 500 Singapore dollars.

  答案:caught 考查非謂語作定語。其邏輯主語是“people”, 兩者之間為被動關係,故填caught。 catch sb. doing“抓住某人正在做某事”。

  11.[2015·北京石景山區一模] ***be*** creative looks like a good way to add years to your life.

  答案:Being 考查非謂語作主語。一般用動名詞作主語敘述客觀的情況,故填Being。

  12.[2015·陝西西工大附中二模]With lots of problems ***solve*** in the class, our teacher looks very relaxed and happy.

  答案:solved 考查with複合結構中非謂語作賓補。其邏輯主語是“problems”,兩者之間為被動關係,且根據語境可知問題已經解決,故填solved。

  13.[2015·四川雅安月考]Mr Reed made up his mind to devote all he had to ***set*** up some schools for poor children.

  答案:setting 考查動名詞作賓語。“devote...to...”中“to”為介詞,故後面跟v.­ing形式。句意:Reed先生下定決心傾其所有為貧困的孩子建立一些學校。

  14.[2015·福建龍巖畢業班聯考]—Thank goodness!You came here at last.

  —You can hardly imagine what great trouble I have taken ***find*** your house.

  答案:to find 考查非謂語作狀語。變式考查take trouble to do sth.“不辭辛苦做某事”,“take”的賓語“trouble”已經提前,將to find留在後面,故填不定式。

  15.[2015·重慶一中一診]With some books badly needed ***buy***, she hurried to the bookstore.

  答案:to buy 考查非謂語作賓補。根據句意:有一些急需要買的書,她匆匆奔向書店。書還未買,在with複合結構中,with表示“有”這一含義時,如非謂語動作沒有發生,通常用不定式的主動形式表被動。故填to buy。

  Part .語篇語法填空***重點考查非謂語動詞***


  Keeping a Diary in English

  1 ***keep*** a diary in English is one of the effective ways to improve our English writing ability.

  2 ***compare*** with other forms of writing, it is shorter and takes less time. It can help us 3 ***develop*** the habit of thinking in English. 4 we persist in this practice, gradually we'll learn how to express ourselves in English. In keeping a diary in English, we certainly run up against many 5 ***difficult***. In the first place, it often happens that we have trouble 6 ***find*** appropriate words and phrases to give expression to our mind. Secondly, there are many idiomatic ways of saying things in Chinese. And it is extremely hard for us 7 ***put*** them into English properly.

  As far as I 8 ***concern***, my suggestion is that we should always have a notebook and a Chinese­English dictionary within easy reach. Whenever something beats us, we can first put it down in our notebook and then consult our dictionary. We can also turn to our English teacher for help, if necessary. In short, I believe that it is 9 great use to keep a diary in English for 10 development of our writing skills.


  1.Keeping 考查動名詞作主語。從句子結構可以看出此處缺少主語。

  2.Compared 考查分詞作狀語。compare與it之間為被動關係,故填過去分詞。

  3.***to*** develop 考查不定式作賓語。help sb.***to*** do sth.結構中to可省略。

  4.If 考查狀語從句的連線詞。根據句式結構可知此處填連詞,結合句意可知填If。

  5.difficulties 考查名詞的數。空前面的many可知答案為名詞的複數。

  6.finding 考查固定短語用法。have trouble ***in*** doing sth.。

  7.to put 考查不定式作主語。it為形式主語。

  8.am concerned 考查固定短語。as far as sb. be concerned“就某人而言”。

  9.of 考查介詞用法。“of+n.”相當於名詞對應的形容詞。

  10.the 考查冠詞用法。在名詞前的空格處通常填限定詞,結合語境可知填the。