


  1. mental and physical labor 腦力與體力勞動 physical examination 體檢

  in good physical condition 身體狀況良好

  2. suffer from 遭受… suffer from headache / floods suffer a great loss 遭受巨大損失

  suffer for one's carelessness 因粗心而受苦

  3. be greedy for / of knowledge 渴求知識 be greedy to do = be eager to do 渴望幹某事

  4. get employment 就業 lose employment 失業 employment agency 職業介紹所

  5. civil unrest 內亂 post-war 戰後 be under construction = be being built 在建設中

  6. make sacrifices 作出犧牲 at the sacrifice of… 以犧牲…為代價

  7. bring justice to 依法判處… a war of justice 正義戰爭

  8. in vain 徒勞 be vain of = be proud of 以…為自豪 try in vain to do sth 枉費心機做某事

  9. eventually = at last = in the end 最後/ 終於

  10. take a chance 冒險/ 碰運氣 take apart 拆開 take down 拆掉 take in 吸收/欺騙 take on 呈現/ 僱傭

  承擔 take change of = be in charge of 負責 take great trouble to do sth 不辭辛苦做某事 take over 接管 take up 開始從事 / 佔據 take possession of 佔有 take to 開始喜歡 take for 誤以為 take away 剝奪

  11. overcome = get over 克服/戰勝

  12. leave alone 不理會/不打擾 leave the door open 不要關門 leave behind 留下/不帶走 leave out 漏掉

  leave off 停止/脫掉 leave for = start out for 動身往 leave sth to sb 把…留給某人 leave aside 擱置

  on leave 休假 ask for leave 請假 fall behind 落後 behind the times 過時/ 跟不上時代

  remain / stay behind 留下 leave word 留言 leave + 賓語 + doing 使…處於某狀態

  13. insist on doing = persist in doing 堅持做…

  14. as a result of = because of = owing to = due to = thanks to 由於… without result 毫無結果

  result in = lead to 導致/ 結果 result from 起因於… as a result 結果

  15. on sale 出售/減價 for sale 待售 cultural diversity 多元文化

  16. in turn 反過來/ 輪流 turn away from = turn off 避開 turn in = hand in 上交

  turn out ***to be*** = prove to be 結果是 turn over 翻過去/ 反覆考慮 turn up 出現

  turn to sb for help = ask sb for help take turns to do sth 輪流做某事 out of turn 不合時宜

  take one's turns 輪班 on the turn 將好轉 turn down 拒絕/ 調低

  17. supply sth for / to sb = supply sb with sth 提供某人某物 be in short supply 供應短缺

  a good supply of food 大量的食物

  18. a chain of 一連串 a series of 一系列

  19. be willing to help others = be ready to help others 樂於助人

  20. struggle to do sth = try one's best to do sth 努力做某事

  21. Civil Rights Movement 民權運動 The Great Depression 經濟大蕭條時期

  22. 儘管 / 雖然:Despite = In spite of = regardless of + 短語

  Although = Though = While + 從句

  23. burn with anger 怒火中燒 burn away 燒燬 / 消散 burn down = burn to the ground燒燬

  burn out 燒壞 burn up 燒光 / 燒得更旺

  24. recover from 從…恢復過來 recover one's sight 恢復視力 recover oneself = come to one's sense

  come to one's life = come to oneself = revive 恢復知覺

  25. aim at doing = aim to do 旨在… aim at***表動作***= be aimed at ***表狀態***

  We are studying hard, aimed at attending universities.

  26. display new image 展現新面貌 in huge numbers = in large numbers 大規模的

  27. be determined to do = determine to do = decide to do = make a decision to do = make up one's mind to do determine on ***doing*** sth 決心幹某事

  28. gather roots 採集根莖 gather in = harvest 收割 gather up 收拾起來/ 聚集

  29. be forced to do = have to do 被迫做某事 move away 搬走 put away 收拾/ 儲蓄

  give away 分發/ 洩密 clear away 清除 tear oneself away 忍痛捨去 turn away 把…打發走/ 解僱

  30. make / reach / arrive at / come to an agreement with 與…達成協議

  31. all the while 一直/始終 for a little while 持續了一會兒 in a little while 一會兒後

  once in a while 偶爾 worth one while 值得 at while = at times 有時

  32. die away ***風***停下來/ 平息 die down ***聲音/光***消失/ 漸熄 die out 滅絕

  die for sth = die to do sth = be eager to do sth 渴望…. die off 枯死/ 絕種

  die of hunger / illness / disease / old age… 死於內部因素

  die from lack of food / a wound / an accident / over-work 死於外部因素

  33. live on = feed on 以…為生 live by 靠…生活 live through 經歷 live up to 達到/ 不辜負/ 符合

  live / lead a simple life. 過樸素的生活

  34. cut across 走捷徑 cut away 切除/ 逃走 cut back on 減少 cut down 削減/ 砍倒 cut in 插嘴

  cut out 刪掉/ 停止 cut through 穿過 cut up 切碎/ 使痛苦 cut into pieces 切成碎片

  cut off 切斷/ 中止 be cut out for = be fit for = be suitable for 適合於

  35. be in effect 有效/生效 in effect = in fact = as a matter of fact = in reality 事實上

  come into effect = go into effect 生效 without effect 沒有作用

  put… into effect = bring….into effect = carry… into effect 使…生效

  36. 如果:suppose = supposing = as long as = provided = on condition that = providing = assuming = if

  Suppose ***用於祈使語氣或現在分詞,同if***

  Suppose it rains, what's to be done Supposing ***that*** she doesn't come, we will still go.

  37. not + all/both/every/everyone/everybody/everything/everywhere 部分否定

  none/neither/nobody/nothing/no one/never/not┉any 全部否定

  我不全認識他們:I don't know all of them.

  他們我全不認識:I don't know any of them.= I know none of them

  部分否定:Both of them are not my brothers.= Either of them is my brother.

  全部否定:Neither of them is my brother.

  ★Not every one of them / us / you is polite to me

  38. I bought the gold necklace for 2500 yuan. = My gold necklace cost me 2500 yuan.

  =It took me 2500 yuan to buy the gold necklace. = I paid 2500 yuan for the gold necklace.

  =I spent 2500 yuan on / in buying the gold necklace.