



  1.intention n.意圖,意向.目的eg:.His good intentions were repaid hv good results. 他的善意得到了善報。

  It wasn't my intent‘ion to fool you.我不想騙你。

  相關連結:intend vt.打算用法拓展:intend to do/doing sth.打算幹……

  intend that…should do打算…… intend sb.to do sth.打算讓某人幹……

  with the intention of doing sth.打算幹…… withoht intention無意地特別提醒:①intend後接從句時.多用虛擬語氣即should+動詞原形;②intend, sb.to do sth.通常用在被動語態中;③intend的過去式表示“原打算……”。

  案例剖析 旁徵博引 舉一反三

  考題1 ***典型例題分***This book, as a surprise for his sister·was lost in the mail.

  A.intended B.regarded C.taken D.recognized

  2.absence n.不在,缺席;缺乏eg o

  I soon noticed his absence from school.我很快便察覺到他缺課了。

  After an absence of seven years,1 went home.外出7年後我返回了故鄉。

  相關連結:absent adj.缺席的;不在的用法拓展:be absent from不在.缺席 absence of mind心不在焉

  during one's absence在某人外出期間 in one's absence—in

  the absence of sb.某人不在時,某人外出時特別提醒:be absent ftom短語中用from。

  考題2 ***典型例題*** He often asks his neighbour to look after his pet during his

  A. lack B. absence C. leaving D. missing

  考題2點撥:答案為B。此題考查during one's absenee這一結構。句意為;“他經常叫他的鄰居在他外出時替他照顧寵物。”

  3.apart adv.相隔.相距;除去;分開eg:New York and T6kyo are thou— sands of miles apart.紐約和東京相隔數千英里。

  She lives apart from her family.她跟家人分開住。

  Apart from a few faults,he is quite a good teacher.除了幾個缺點外.他是個很好的老師。

  用法拓展:aprt ftom除……之外tell…apart區分/分辨***兩種事物***,tear.一apart撕開.撕成塊200 metres apart相距200米 fall apart土崩瓦解

  考題3 ***典型例題分***Do you have any difficulty the twin sisters?

  A. to telling out B. telling out C. to tell apart D. telling apart

  考題3點撥:答案為D。此題考查tell…apart”區分/分辨”.同時考查have some difficulty in doing sth.“有困難幹某事”。句意為:“你分清這時雙胞姐妹有困難嗎?”

  4.recommend u,.推薦。介紹;勸告,建議eg: Can you recommend me a good lawyer? ‘你能推薦一位好律師給我嗎? I recommend you to see her at once.我勸你馬上去看她。

  She recommended buying this dictionary.她建議買這本字典。

  相關連結:recommendation n.推薦.推舉

  用法拓展:recommend sb.sth.一recommend sth.to sb.向某人推薦某物 recommend sb.for sth.向某人介紹某事 recommend s1***.to do sth.勸某人幹某事***advise曲.to do sth.*** recommend doing sth.建議幹什麼recommend that…建議……特捌提醒;recommend當“建議”講後接從句時從句用should+動詞原形.should可以省略。

  考題4 ***典型例題 分 *** How shall we go to that airport? Well. I recommend a taxi.

  A. to take B. taking C. to taking D. take

  考題4點撥;答案為B。此題考查recommend doing stK“建議幹某事”。句意為:“我們怎麼去機場?~我建議坐計程車去。”

  5.contribute vt.貢獻:捐獻;投稿eg:

  He didn't contibute anything to world peace. 他對世界和平毫無貢獻。

  A proper amount of exercise contributes to good health. 適度的運動有益於健康。

  相關連結contribution n.貢獻用法拓展:contribute…to…向……捐款;對……有貢獻contribute to…有助於……;向……投稿 make a contribution/contributions to…對……作出貢獻

  特別提醒:contribute…to…和make a contribution to…這兩個短語中的to都是介詞,後接名詞或動名詞作賓語。

  考題5 ***典型例題***Eating too much fat can heart disease and cause high blood pressure.

  A. relate to B. contribute to C. attend toD. devote to

  考題5點撥:答案為B。contribute to…意為“有助於,促成”。句意為:“吃太多_的脂肪會引起心臟病並且會造成高.~-/K。”


  6.call up徵召***服役***;回憶起;調動***力量、人員等***;打電話eg:

  The old photograph called up memories of his ehildhood.


  He was called up right at the beginning of the war.


  用法拓展call for需求,需要;***去***接caU on sb.拜訪某人;號召

  cau at some place拜訪某地caU in請求收回;召來call back回電話特別提醒teall up中的up是副詞,代詞作賓語時必須放在中間。

  考題6 ***典型例題1 分*** The picture of the park memories of our class trip last year.

  A. called up B. reminded C. called on D. called for

  考題6點撥:答案為A。call up表示“喚醒,回憶起”。句意為:“公園的相片使我回憶起去年我班郊遊的事情。”

  7.look up向上看;查出,瞭解eg:

  He looked up arid something in the tree caught his eyes.


  Look up the word in the dictionary.


  用法拓展;look up.一in…在……裡查詢look up to sb.尊敬或讚賞某人

  look down on/upon看不起,輕視 look on旁觀;看作 look out注意,

  當心look into;向……裡面看look round向四周看 look through瀏覽

  考題7 ***典型例題***Do I have to stop to the new words I come across while am reading a book?

  A. look at B. look for C. look up D. look into

  考題7點撥;答案為c。look dp“***在詞典或參考書中***查閱***詞或責料***”。句意為:“當我在閱讀時,碰到生詞我必須停_F來查單詞.的含義嗎?


  1. I bought this dress ________ for ?35;it used to be ?85.

  A.for sale B.on sale C.at sale D.in sale

  解析:on sale可作“大甩賣;清倉大廉售”解。


  2. Almost nobody can stand ________ fun of before a crowd of people.

  A.to be made B.to make C.being made D.making



  3. ________ what I think, what would you like to do?

  A.Setting aside B.Setting out C.Setting about D.Setting off

  解析:set aside意為“拋開;把……暫放一邊”。


  4. She missed the plane, ________ driving very fast to the airport.

  A.despite B.unless C.though D.without



  5. I wouldn’t feel happy ________ in a block of apartments.I’d rather ________ in a

  traditional house.

  A.living;to live B.living;live

  C.to live;to live D.to live;living

  解析:第一個空白處用living作原因狀語;would rather後接動詞原形。


  6. The road sign is easy to read;the words ________ well.

  A.make out B.stand out

  C.work out D.turn out

  解析:題意是“那些字很醒目。”stand out“突出”。


  7. Do I have to stop to ________ the new words I come across while I am reading a book?

  A.look at B.look for

  C.look up D.look into

  解析:“在字典中查單詞”用look up。


  8. I don’t like those blue socks;what have you got ______?

  A.though B.yet C.instead D.besides



  9. ________ all his friends agree, he was unusually warm-hearted, loving and generous.

  A.What B.That C.When D.As



  10.—How shall we go to that airport?

  —Well, I recommend ________ a taxi.

  A.to take B.taking C.to taking D.take

