



  1.preference n.偏愛;優先eg:Wine or beer?which is your preference?要葡萄酒還是啤酒?你比較喜歡哪一樣?

  I have a preference for French films.我更喜歡法國電影。

  相關連結:prefer噸更喜歡preferable adj.更好一些***和to連用*** preferably ado.最好是用法拓展.have a preference for偏愛…… show/gire***a***preference for偏愛……

  have a preference of

  in preference to優先於……;喜愛甚於……特別提醒;prefer是preference的動詞形式,其搭配為:

  prefer sth./doing sth.to sth./doing sth.喜歡……而不喜歡

  prefer to do…rather than do…寧願幹……而不願幹……

  2.design v&n.設計;打算給……用 eg:

  He is designing a house f6r his frl’end.他正給他的朋友設計房子。

  The road was not designed for heavy lrucks.這公路不是為重型卡車設計的。

  用法拓展:design…f0 r…為某人設計…… .

  be dem。gned for/to do…目的是……,打算給……用 一

  by design故意地 have designs on/against…對……別有用心特別提醒:design當“目的是……;打算給……用”講時,多用於被動結構。

  3.belong vi.屬於;是……成員 eg:She belongs to this school.她是這個學校的成員。 China belongs to the third world.中國屬於第三世界。

  相關鍵接;belongings n.***復***所有物,財產用法拓展:belong to sb.屬於某人的特別提醒:

  ***1***belong to後面接名詞的普通格.不接所有格:後接代詞時用賓格,不用名詞性物主代詞。

  ***2***beIong to沒有被動語態,不用於進行時態。

  4.impress vt.銘刻,給……極深印象;使感動eg: What impressed me is the beauty of the scenery there.使我印象深刻的是那兒美麗的風景。 The book tmpressed a lot of people.那本書在很多人心中留下深刻印象。 My father impressed on me the importaflce of work.父親要我銘記工作的重要性。

  相關連結:impression n.印象,感覺impressive adj.給人留下深刻印象的用法拓展:impress sth.on sth.在……上印……tmpress sth.with sth.用……印…

  be impressed by/at/with被深深打動 be impressed on曲.使某人銘記… make a…impression on…對……留下…印象

  5.despitpe prep.不管,不顧;任憑eg:

  He came to the meeting despite his serious illness.


  He is very active despite his age.他年紀雖大.卻很活躍。

  用法拓展:despile=in spite of儘管though***althougll***儘管.雖然特別提醒:①despitein spite of但比in spite of更正式。②despite***in spite of*** 是介詞.後接名詞***動名詞.代詞***而though、although是連詞.連線句子。

  ③as con***.引導一個讓步狀語從句.句子須部分倒裝。④whik conj“儘管”引導一個讓步狀語從句。

  6.taste vt嘗……味道 vi.嚐起來.吃起來 n情趣。鑑賞力eg;

  can you taste anything strange in this soup?你嘗得出這湯有什麼怪味嗎?

  The soup tastes delicious.這湯很可口。

  The girl has a taste for music.這女孩對音樂感興趣。

  相關連結:tasty adj.美味的,可口的 a tasty meaI一頓美餐用法拓展:have a taste for對……喜歡 to one's taste按口味.合口味特別提醒;taste作系動詞用後面須接形容詞作表語;無被動語態和進行時態。


  7.fill up with用……裝滿 eg:

  Birds fill up the spaces between the branehes of their nests with soft materials.


  相關連結:fuIl“adj.充滿的用法拓展:fill…with…用……裝滿……一be filled with be fuIl of裝滿……fill in…填入.填空

  特別提醒:be filled with用……裝滿.be fuIl of裝滿……,這兩個短語中特別注意介詞,不要用混。

  8.set.一aside把……置於一旁.留出,撥出 eg:

  Ive set aside some money for this journey.我為這趟旅行存了一些錢。

  Let's set aslde our personal feelings.我們先暫時拋開個人情感。

  用法拓展:put aside節省***錢,時間***.儲存……備用

  step aslde避開.退讓.站到一邊take aside把……叫到一邊


  9.I can't stand.”我不能忍受……eg:she can't startd the pam.她無法忍受那種痛苦。

  we can't stand being made fun of.我們無法忍受被別人嘲弄。

  用法拓展:can't stand+n /pron 不能忍受……can't stand+doing不能忍受……特別提醒:stand當”承受.忍受”講.通常用於否定句和疑問句,不可用於進行時,後接名詞、代詞或動名詞。


  10.with+0+0C with的複合結構 eg:

  with the door open he sIept Iast m’ght.昨天晚上他開著門睡覺。

  With the boy leadmg the way.we had no difficulty finding his house.


  用法拓展:with+賓語+形容詞 with+賓語十副詞with+賓語一介詞短語with十賓語+現在分詞 with十賓語+過去分詞 with十賓語+不定式

  特別提醒:with後面的賓語和賓補之間若是主動關係,用doing或to do;若是被動關係.則用done。



  ***1***create指“有目的地把原材料製成新產品”;也指“創造出原來不存在或與眾不同的事物”。 eg:

  We've created a new building out of an old ruin.我們從舊廢墟上建立了一幢新樓。

  ***2***invent指“通過想像,研究,勞動,創造出前所未有的東西”,尤指“科技上的發明創造”。 eg:

  Edison invented the light bulb.愛迪生髮明瞭電燈泡。

  ***3***make是最常用詞,指“用勞動創造、生產、形成或組成”某事物。 eg:

  AIl kinds of machine tools are made in this factory.這家工廠製造各種機床。

  ***4***produce指“通過勞動加工而生產產品”,尤指“工農業產品”。 eg:

  We must produce more food for ourselves and import less.我們必須增產食品,減少進口。


  1. The Suez Canal would soon _____ mud if not regularly cleared.

  A. dies out B. use up C. fill up with D. die away

  2. He has never liked meat, and has always had a***n***_____ for vegetables and fruit.

  A. perspiration B. feeling C. idea D. preference

  3. It’s time for supper. Please _____ your books aside so that we can use the table for supper.

  A. take B. bring C. set D. carry

  4. He doesn’t have enough money to buy a house. That’s why he is going to _____ a room for himself not far from his office.

  A. hire B. build C. supply D. rent

  5. _____ all his riches, the king was never satisfied.

  A. However B. Though C. Despite D. Although

  6. His words are strongly impressed _____ my memory.

  A. in B. with C. for D. on

  7. Don’t forget to _____ me about it tomorrow.

  A. remember B. wake C. ask D. remind

  8. Here are two hotels near here _____.

  A. under construction B. under the construction

  C. in construction D. in the construction

  9. This room was designed _____ children.

  A. at B. to C. of D. for

  10. She had a_____ idea that I was poisoning her.

  A. favorite B. reasonable C. fantastic D. popular


  1. C 蘇伊士運河如果不定期清理,很快會塞滿淤泥。Fill up with:塞滿,填充

  2. D 他一直偏愛蔬菜水果。preference:偏愛

  3. C 把書放到邊上騰出桌子吃飯。Set aside:把…置於一旁。

  4. D 他將要在離他的單位不遠的地方租房子。

  5. C despite:後接名詞或代詞;though或although後接從句。

  6. D be impressed on…:給……留下印象。

  7. D remind sb. about sth.:提醒某人某事

  8. A under construction:在建設中。

  9. D be designed for…為…而設計

  10. C根據句意應該是a fantastic idea:荒誕的想法。