



  ◎我真想睡個午覺。I want to take a nap.

  = I want to take a catnap.

  But you just woke up. ***你不是剛剛起來嗎?***

  I'd like to lie down for a while. ***我想躺會兒。***

  *catnap “打盹”、“小睡一下兒”。

  ◎我去躺一會兒。I'm going to lie down.

  = I'm going to take a rest. ***我休息一會兒。***


  ◎你在裝睡啊! You're pretending to be asleep.

  = You're not really asleep. ***你其實沒睡吧!***

  = I know you're still awake. ***我知道你還沒睡。***

  ◎你睡著了嗎? Were you sleeping?

  ◎沒有,還沒睡呢。No, I was awake.

  ◎你能給孩子換塊尿布嗎? Will you change the baby's diaper?

  Again? ***又要換呀?***

  I just changed it ten minutes ago. ***10分鐘前我剛換過的。***


  ◎想尿尿嗎? Do you need to pee? *主要對小孩子用。

  ◎該尿尿了。It's time to go wee-wee. *主要對小孩子用。

  It's time to go pee-pee. *對兒童用wee和pee,對嬰幼兒用重疊wee-wee和pee-pee的形式表示“小便”。


  Do it again. ***再來一次。***



  ◎我們來投球吧。Let's play catch.

  = Let's play ball.

  Great! ***好呀!***

  ◎漏水了。The water is leaking.

  = The pipe is leaking. ***水管漏了。***

  ◎全是灰呀。 It's so dusty.

  I didn't notice. ***我倒沒注意。***

  It needs to be dusted. ***得掃掃了。***


  ◎這間屋子通風真差。 It's stuffy in this room.

  = The air is thick. ***這裡真悶。***

  I can't breathe in this room. ***這屋讓人喘不過氣來。***

  The air is dense. ***空氣混濁。***

  *stuffy 房間等地方“通風不好”、“憋悶得慌”。

  ◎這個房間很通風。It's drafty in this room.

  *drafty “有穿堂風的”。


  你能去喂喂狗嗎? Will you feed the dog?

  = Please give the dog some food.

  *feed “餵食”。

  ◎你去遛遛狗吧? Will you take the dog for a walk?

  ◎幫我照看一下弟弟和妹妹啊。Take care of my brother and sister.

  You bet. ***放心吧。***

  ◎請***給植物***澆點水。Please water the plants.

  Can I help? ***要我幫忙嗎?***


  ◎啊!怎麼這麼亂呀! What a mess! *母親看到孩子們的房間時常說的一句話。

  = Look at the mess!

  What a pigsty! * 含有髒得像個豬窩的語氣。

  ◎幫幫我吧。 Help me.

  What do you want me to do? ***我能幫你做什麼呢?***

  ◎把你的屋子收拾收拾。Clean up your room.

  = Straighten up your room.

  = Tidy up the room.

  But I'm watching TV now. ***可我正在看電視呢。***

  ◎幫我打掃打掃衛生。Help me clean up the house.

  ◎洗滌靈用完了。We're out of dish detergent.

  *“洗衣粉”是laundry detergent。

  I'll go get more. ***那我去買一瓶。***

  ◎你能把衣服晾上嗎? Would you put up the clothes to dry?

  *put up是“向上掛”的意思,但在這裡表示“晾衣服”。

  ◎你能幫我把衣服疊起來嗎? Will you help me fold up the clothes?

  *fold up“疊整齊”。

  ◎把地掃掃。Please sweep the floor.


  ◎把廚房的池子洗乾淨。Please scrub the sink.


  ◎我得用吸塵器吸吸我房間了。I have to vacuum my room.



  撣撣櫃子上的土。Please dust the shelves.


  = Please wipe the shelves. ***請擦一擦櫃子。***

  ◎請拖拖地。Please mop the floor.

  ◎你能把那件襯衫熨熨嗎? Will you iron the shirt?

  ◎我的裙子得熨了。I have to iron my skirt.


  ◎我們去超市買東西吧。Let's go grocery shopping.

  We need more milk. ***還得再買點牛奶。***

  ◎公園裡人擠人。The park was crowded.

  = The park was filled with people.

  ◎今晚能幫我照看一下孩子嗎? Can you baby-sit tonight?


  Sure I can. ***當然可以。***