


  Example 1:

  Advertising encourages people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

  考生拿到這個題目,首先要讀三遍,理解題目本質的含義。廣告的本質之一其實就是幫助賣家***selling agencies***或者廠商***manufactures***提升產品知名度***increase the brand reputation***,從而開啟市場***explore the wider markets***, 提升產品的銷售額***boost the sales rates***,慫恿或者引領消費者購買更多的產品***encouraging and leading the consumers to spend their salaries to purchase large quantities of products***,所以考生從正面來回答***agree***的話,就可以從以上這些角度來入手,寫起來應該不難。

  考生必須要知道廠商或者銷售商是付錢給廣告商的***advertisement agencies receive payment from manufacturers***,如果人們買得多,對廣告商本身也有好處。而且廣告本身是沒有義務***duty***或者責任***responsibility***去促進提升產品質量的,他們只是負責幫助宣傳產品、拓展市場,只要贏得消費者眼球就可以了***help promote goods and explore the markets, win the customer’s eyeballs***.

  從反面講***disagree***廣告其實有時候也能促進產品的質量,我們可以這樣想,一旦廣告把產品放大在消費者眼中,如果消費者因為廣告以後買了產品,卻不理想或者質量很差***unsatisfied or inferior commodities***,那麼顧客就會到消費者保障局***consumer protection bureau***或者廠商這裡投訴產品的質量,那些真正想擴大市場或者站穩腳跟的廠商有可能會引起重視***be highly alert to it***,從而讓研發人員加大改善質量的力度***improve the products***, 或者推出新的高質量***high-quality***產品,保證公司的知名度和品牌聲譽***guarantee the brand and reputation of their company***,所以廣告從某些程度上講也可以促進產品的質量或者監督產品***supervision***.


  There is an increasing number of people who do not know their neighbors, what causes this situation? How to solve?

  這是一道典型的report的題目,注意report的文章如果題目沒有問你的想法是什麼。如果同學們平時看報紙的話,就會發現其實這道題目是非常常見的社會類話題,可以從這幾個方面入手:第一,現代人生活節奏快***quick-paced life***,壓力大***heavy pressure***,平時人們一般早出晚歸,很少有時間和鄰居打交道***Go out early and come back at dusk, seldom having time socialize with their neighbors***。

  第二,現代社會複雜度比以前社會高,犯罪率也在上升***modern society is much complicated and unpredictable than the former one, the crime rate is also soaring***,所以人的警覺性比較高***citizens are more alert and vigilant***,不願和陌生人來往,怕引起不必要的麻煩***they are reluctant to get alone with the strangers to avoid some unnecessary troubles***。

  第三,現在社會的人們都住在高樓大廈裡面***contemporary people living in skyscrapers***,不像以前人們住在矮的平房或者里弄裡***living in bunglow and lanes in the past days***,或者同一個小社群***little community***。

  第四,以前人們比較注重親情和人之間的交往***in the past, people highlight the personal relationship and interpersonal communication with neighbor***,現代人比較喜歡窩在家裡上網,利用高科技和人們交流和溝通***modern people just stay at home surfing on the internet and chat with their friends through high technology in the virtual world***.

  解決方法:政府可以多建立一些公共場所讓小區的人們在這裡健身和休閒,從而相互認識和了解,比如政府可以在community裡修建公共廣場和公園***public square, parks***,小區物業委員會也可以多組織各種家庭活動、聚餐或者社群活動***the community property council can organize more family activities, parties and home dinners for some families, arrange community group activities***。這樣小區居民也會多見面,增加交流機會和加強鄰里之間的友誼紐帶***increase the conversation opportunities and strengthen the friendship ties among the neighbors***.



  我們先從兩者的定義入手來看兩者的區別。Compare的定義為:to examine people or things to see how they are similar or different. contrast的定義為:to compare two or more things to show the difference between them. 由定義不難看出前者側重於找到兩個或多個事物的異同,而後者則側重於它們的不同。


  例句:It is interesting to compare their situations to ours./It is interesting to contrast their situations to ours.





  一般表現為固定搭配錯誤,如常把provide sb with sth用成provide sb sth; be satisfied with用成be satisfied for等等,雖然這樣的錯誤看似無傷大雅,但在考官眼裡就是影響順暢閱讀的,當然會影響最終成績。解決的辦法簡單而古老:把常見的固定搭配牢記於心,問題自然就解決了。


  “to”最常見的用法是以動詞不定式符號的形式出現的,所以同學們也已經習慣了 “to do”的固定搭配。對於一些如walk to me, to the left等介詞to表方向等常見用法一般也不會出現錯誤。但是對於與動詞搭配的介詞to就會經常犯錯:

  如:More and more students have taken to depend on their parents to make decision for them.

  這裡的 ‘take to’ means ‘to begin to do sth as a habit’ 其中 ‘to’為介詞,所以後面只能接名詞或相當於名詞的詞,如動名詞。所以黑體處應改為“depending on”。


  我們知道, think, assume, claim是議論文中常用引出觀點的動詞。在實際作文中,同學們往往認為幾個詞的意思是一樣的,完全可以代換,所以拿過來就用。甚至還有同學把consider也拿過來與之混用。我們首先還是從定義來看這幾個詞的不同:

  Think: to have opinion or belief about sth.


  Assume: to think or accept that sth is true but without having proof of it.


  Claim: to say sth is true although it has not been proved and other people may not believe it.

  翻譯為“聲稱”,用這個詞往往意味著不贊同緊跟其後的觀點,所以很少用作I claim that…

  Scientist are claiming a breakthrough in the fight against cancer, but in fact, ….

  所以 ‘It is claimed that’ 通常翻譯為“有報道稱......”和‘it is reported that ’的區別在於後者翻譯為“據報道”,往往代表著作者贊同報告的內容。

  Consider: to think about sth carefully, especially in order to make a decision.


  We are considering buying a new car.



  I suggest he continues his study instead of working after graduation from high school.


  五、such as與for example的混用

  我們知道,在表示舉例子的時候,such as 與like是完全等同的,如:Wild flowers such as/like orchids and primroses are becoming rare.

  但是同學們對於Such as、for example的把握還是不夠準確。我們都知道,後者接句子前者接詞語表示舉例子。於是就有了下面的寫法:

  There is a similar word in many languages, such as in French and Italian.

  這裡的such as改為 for example為好,因為“in French and Italian”其實是“there is a similar word in French and Italian”的簡化,所以要用 for example來引出例證。再來看幾個類似的例子:

  It is possible to combine computer science with other subjects, for example physics.
