


  Directions: For this part,you are allowed 30 minutes to write a short essay entitled Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck. You should write at least 120 words following the outline given below:




  Do Lucky Numbers Really Bring Good Luck?

  As regards lucky numbers,there has been a heated discussion among the general public in our society. Some people believe that lucky numbers will bring them good luck. According to a recent survey conducted by CCTV,a high proportion of people as high as 86. 5 percent spend much money getting their telephone numbers or car numbers to include the number ”8”,which,for them,means making a fortune.

  By contrast,others hold that such kind of idea only caters to psychological need and is purely misleading. Numbers alone can never bring good luck to a person at all without his real efforts. Instead, many count their good fortune on lucky numbers just to get a disappointing result.

  As far as I am concerned,I would lend my support to the second opinion because I firmly believe that “Opportunities are only for the prepared mind"•***143詞***


  毫無疑問,第一段的一個百分比吸引了閱卷老師的眼球。conduct , a proportion of , spend much money等詞、短語的運用,形成良好的第一印象。注意:該篇文章是個例外,將“一句話”放在了第一段,是因為很容易舉出數字的例子來說明“有些人認為某些數字會帶來好運”的論點,中國人的傳統思維中,一想到數字和運氣,總會想起8或6等;而相反第二段反對這種觀點則不好構思例子。



  第二段:開門見山展現段落中心“有些人認為數字和運氣無關”,並用Numbers alone can never bring good luck to a person at all without his real efforts來支援這個觀點。

  第三段:直接展現自己觀點,並簡要提出一個原因Opportunities are only for the prepared mind.





  On Students' Evaluation of Teachers

  Recently a brand new system that students evaluate their teachers among universities appears. According to a recent survey conducted by China Daily,a high proportion of colleges,98. 5 percent use the new system.

  The biggest benefit is that teachers should do their best to improve not only their specialized knowledge and skills but also their teaching methods in order to meet the needs of their students. In addition, by owing the right to evaluate teachers,students may pay full attention to their classes,which will undoubtedly improve their study performance.

  Apart from the benefits mentioned above,we also face several un-avoidable challenges. The students' evaluation of teachers cannot always be objective-it should be combined with evaluation from authority and colleagues. Only when we deal with these problems successfully can we benefit most from such a new system.***140詞***


  毫無疑問,第二段的China Daily和百分比吸引了閱卷老師的眼球。conduct , a proportion of等好詞及短語的使用,無疑增加了亮點。



  第二段:直接展現段落中心“這種制度的好處”,並用improve not only their specialized knowledge and skills but also their teaching methods和pay full attention to their classes兩個原因,來支援這個觀點。

  第三段:開門見山提出段落中心“這種制度也會帶來負面的影響”,並用***"cannot always be objective來支援,以一個結果狀語從句Only when we deal with these problems successfully can we benefit most from such a new system作為結尾。





  Long Holidays

  As regards the necessity of long holidays, there has been a heated discussion among college students. Those who lend their support to it argue that long holidays provide them a better chance to travel around and establish broader vision. In addition, they can take part-time jobs in long holidays,which makes them get closer contact with the society.

  By contrast,others hold that students may fail to make good use of long holidays. Instead,they become addicted to various computer games or just sleep a lot. What's worse, the past 5 years has witnessed a sharp increase in the amount of money college students spent on traveling during the long holidays from ¥ 368 , 000 , 000 to ¥825,000,000,which undoubtedly raise the economic burden of their family.

  As far as I am concerned,I will strike a balance between relaxing myself through traveling or playing games and study.***147詞***


  第二段中的兩個資料將首先吸引閱卷老師的眼球,同時該句還使用了witness, sharp等好詞和which引導的非限制性定語從句,這將給閱卷老師留下良好的第一印象。


  第一段:在模板句引人話題後接著提出首段中心“長假給大學生帶來的好處”,並用provide them a better chance to travel around and establish broader vision和get closer contact with the society兩個原因來支援段落中心。

